A chronological listing of all known literary and theatrical productions inspired by Rush, as well as all known occurrences of Rush references in pop culture excluding references made during talk shows, gameshows, sporting events, news programs, etc., as they are too numerous to list. Feel free to email any suggested additions.
Defenders #45, by Marvel Comics, March 1977
Published less than a year following the release of 2112, this comic is vaguely drawn from the album's with a pro-individual, anti-collectivist theme. In addition, the comic is "Dedicated to Neil, Geddy, and Alex of RUSH" and also includes a few Rush inspired lines, such as "Truth is false and logic lost" and "become one with the Brotherhood of Man". Before the comic was published, the authors David Anthony Kraft and Roger Slifer had been invited backstage to meet the band during their New York Palladium show on December 11, 1976.
"I read that issue and I enjoyed it. The Defenders was a pretty cerebral kind of comic. We were knocked out, and it really meant a lot to us. It was like real credibility. That tiny little line in the comic book meant more to us than a whole issue of Rolling Stone or anything else. It really means something to us because that's a real measure of respect. It's from another artist, and it's like the praise of the praiseworthy." - Neil Peart, Circus, May 12, 1977
Long Live Rock 'N Roll, the album by Rainbow, April 9, 1978
Not exactly a tribute... Polydor Records used an altered version of an original Rush photo in this album's gatefold art. Without Rush's knowledge, the photo of a crowd holding a Rush starman banner was mirrored and airbrushed to read "Long Live Rock 'N Roll" and printed on the album's inside gatefold. The original Rush photo has appeared in various Rush releases over the years.
"I was at Oyster Records in NY, and was coming up with ideas for the cover art for Rainbow's Long Live Rock'n'roll...To present the idea to Polydor, I made up a dummy cover with the Rush shot (unretouched) in the centerfold just to demonstrate the advertising shot we intended to take at the next Rainbow concert...Polydor came up with the drawing that was eventually used, and airbrushed the 'Rush' shot but never told me they were doing it. The next thing I knew was when I showed up at a Rush show, only to get an earful from the band about the use of their shot on the Rainbow cover. When I finally saw it, I was well choked! But of course I couldn't do a thing about it by then. It took me ages to regain Rush's trust." - Fin Costello, Classic Rock, September/November 2002
The New Music, the Canadian television news show, 1979 - 2008
When this newsmagazine show first launched in 1979, hosted by J.D. Roberts and Jeanne Beker, the show's theme song was 2112 Overture.
Over The Edge, the movie, November 2, 1979
In the opening scene a quart of beer is taken away from a teenager who is wearing an A Farewell To Kings tour shirt (the teen is escorted out past a young Matt Dillon, starring in his first film). Ironically, although "Subdivisions" would not be written for a few years yet, this movie is about teenage angst while growing up in a subdivision/planned community, and of course includes a scene in a basement bar.
Apocalypse Comics, by Marvel Comics UK, 1979-1980
Return of the Secaucus 7, the movie, September 5, 1980
Rush is mentioned during the bar scene in this film which inspired The Big Chill. Two of the main characters, Jeff and J.T., are discussing music and flirting with two women at the bar - one of them a music critic. When asked what she listens to, the music critic replies, "Oh, progressive rock mostly: King Crimson, Yes, Genesis, Rush." Country singer J.T. dismisses this as "heavy metal goes to college," but the woman defends her tastes, saying "It's the only thing playing now with any kind of sophisticated melody line that still has its...you know, innocence." She's later impressed with Jeff when he discusses the complexities of the genre.
Sons Of Earth, the novel, by Richard Rhodes, May 1981
In this suspense novel, the 16-year-old son of a renowned astronaut is kidnapped by a sociopath and buried alive in a coffin-like box equipped with apparatus to give him fresh air and water. To pass the time and keep his sanity while in the box, the son, who dreams of fame as a rock drummer, practices Neil Peart's drumlines in his head.
Gas, the movie, July 24, 1981
This Canadian movie includes a scene where a TV helicopter is circling a busy gas station as "Limelight" is played in the background.
Gregory's Girl, the movie, April 23, 1981
The male lead, who also has a drumkit in his room, has two Rush posters on his bedroom wall: a poster of Rush live during the Hemispheres era as well as a promotional poster for All the Worlds A Stage featuring cover images of the first five albums (Rush through All The World's A Stage).
Future War 1986, the animated movie, 1982
The English version of this film includes "Witch Hunt" in the soundtrack.
The Modern Day Warrior, the WCCW wrestler Kerry von Erich, circa 1982-1984
One of the regular stars of the World Class Championship Wrestling show which aired from Dallas, Texas, was Kerry von Erich, aka "The Modern Day Warrior", who used "Tom Sawyer" as his ring entrance music.
The Last American Virgin, the movie, July 30, 1982
A character in this teenage comedy is reported to have a Rush sticker on her notebook, seen as she is seen walking down the stairs.
Fast Times At Ridgemont High, the movie, August 13, 1982
During the scene in the record store (at 35 minutes), when Mike Damone is giving Mark Ratner his five point plan on dating ("When it comes down to making out, whenever possible, put on side one of Led Zeppelin IV."), there is a row of Exit Stage Left albums in the racks under the "Licorice Pizza" sign (they are between Ted Nugent's Great Gonzos and The Cars' Shake It Up).
Ultima II: Revenge of the Enchantress, the video game, August 24, 1982
2112 sighting: during the game there are doors which lead to different time periods, the future one being the year 2112, in which the world has been devastated by the evil enchantress Minax.
The Young Ones, the British television series, aired November 23, 1982
During the episode titled "Boring", Vyvyan wears a 2112 t-shirt.
Strange Brew, the movie, August 26, 1983
Starring Bob and Doug McKenzie (Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis), who drive a red van with a Rush bumper sticker. Previously, Geddy Lee sang on "Take Off", the single from the McKenzie Brothers' comedy album, Great White North.
Synchronicity Concert, the concert movie by The Police, filmed November 3, 1983
A fan in the crowd can be seen wearing a Rush Signals t-shirt right after "De Do Do Do De Da Da Da".
The Natural, the movie, May 11, 1984
2112 sighting: about 46 minutes in, when Bump Bailey (Michael Madsen) crashes through the rightfield wall in pursuit of a flyball, two players wearing jersey numbers "21" and "12" race to his aid.
Minder, the British television series
During the episode "Sorry Pal, Wrong Number" (season 4, episode 5, aired February 1, 1984), Terry is using three public telephones when a group of youths approach; the tallest one of the group has a Rush patch on his denim jacket.
Teachers, the movie, October 5, 1984
Three minutes before the end, as the school is evacuating during a fire alarm, Ralph Macchio asks Nick Nolte "So are you gonna stay or are you gonna go?", Nolte exits the frame and coming up behind him is a short kid with long hair and mirrored aviator sunglasses wearing a Moving Pictures t-shirt.
A Nightmare On Elm Street, the movie, November 9, 1984
Glenn, played by Johnny Depp, has a Grace Under Pressure album cover poster on the wall above his bed.
The Body Electric, the Canadian animated television movie, 1985
Featuring a Rush soundtrack, this half-hour film combines themes and ideas from many Rush songs, particularly "The Body Electric" and "2112". The story takes place after a robot revolution in a futuristic domed city named "Red Sector A". Listed in the order they are played, the soundtrack includes excerpts of: Red Sector A, Hemispheres Pt. V., 2112 Overture, Cygnus X-1 Pt. 3, Different Strings, Jacob's Ladder, The Fountain of Lamneth Pt. VI, Xanadu, The Body Electric, Working Man, Hemispheres Pt. V., Marathon, Hemispheres Pt. VI.
MacGyver, the television series, 1985-1992
In Brazil, this television program about a modern-day warrior used "Tom Sawyer" as its theme music.
"...we were told 'Tom Sawyer' was used on Brazilian television as the theme song for 'MacGyver'. That's what we said, 'What?'" - Neil Peart, Flying Down To Rio, Leaving Vapor Trails Behind
Mach Rider, the video game, October 18, 1985
2112 sighting: the game takes place in the year 2112, and Earth is being invaded ("we have assumed control?"). First released on October 18, 1985 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, as one of the 18 initial launch games, in July 2007 a modified version was released on the Wii's Virtual Console.
1986, the television news program, June 10 - December 30, 1986
This American television news program anchored by Roger Mudd and Connie Chung used "Mystic Rhythms" as its theme music.
"I don't know how they came to hear the song, but the show approached us and asked if they could use it. Of course, they didn't pay us anything, but they said they'd give us a credit. How did we feel about it? We thought it was nice." - Neil Peart, Backstage Club Newsletter, March 1990
Cuerdas (Strings), the comic by Pepe Gonzalez, February 1986
This comic depicts "2112" and was originally written in Spanish, at La Pagina en Español de Rush (no longer online).
Incident at Channel Q, the movie, 1986
Written and directed by Storm Thorgerson (of Hipgnosis), about a quiet suburban neighborhood which declares war on a heavy metal music video jockey. He then locks himself in the station and plays hard rock videos, one of which is "The Body Electric". "The Camera Eye" is played during a chase scene, and one character is seen wearing a Rush t-shirt.
The Gate, the movie, May 15, 1987
A Rush poster hangs in the bedroom of one of the characters, as seen in this behind the scenes photo taken during the filming.
Degrassi Junior High, the Canadian television series
The Written Works Of Kevin J. Anderson
Through his writings, which occasionally include RUSH inspirations, author Kevin J. Anderson eventually became friends with Neil Peart. For details regarding the influence of RUSH on his writings, click here.
Kevin J. Anderson discusses the influence of RUSH in his fiction, from an email sent to the National Midnight Star's Jimmy Lang in September 1993:
"My first novel Resurrection, Inc. (1988) is dedicated in part to RUSH, with the mention that the book was entirely inspired by Grace Under Pressure. About six months after the book came out, I got a surprise letter from Neil Peart. He loved the book and complimented me most highly on it. We began corresponding regularly. One of my other novels, The Trinity Paradox (1991), was inspired by the song 'Manhattan Project'. I sent Neil a copy of my novel Lifeline, then a copy of the just-completed manuscript for The Trinity Paradox (which I was calling Timeline, until the publisher made me change it) -- after reading Lifeline (1990) and Timeline, Neil went off to write 'Dreamline', the first cut off Roll The Bones.
Neil has always had aspirations to be a writer himself, and he has written and self-published some fabulous lengthy journals about his various bicycle trips through China, Africa, and the Canadian Rockies. I've read three of them, and remembered them very well.
I got invited to contribute a story to a forthcoming anthology called Shock Rock 2, which will be published next year by Pocket Books, edited by Jeff Gelb. The theme of the anthology is 'horror stories about rock & roll.' I got the idea for 'Drumbeats', about a rock drummer bicycling through Africa between concert tours, and some weird stuff that happens to him. I had the story, but I didn't have the details...neither the details about Africa nor the details about life as a rock star. But Neil did, so I asked if I could lift sections of description from his journals, and get some background from him.
He thought it was a cool idea and gave me permission to do so. I drafted up the story, mailed him a disk, and he gave it a polish and added more details. I did a final polish and sent it off to the editor, who promptly accepted it. It's a genuine collaboration -- I'd say about half the words in the story are Neil's, half mine, and the tale really works, I think. Neil likes it.
I have been substantially inspired by RUSH, and often the music trickles in. Another RUSH-inspired story (though you won't really notice), was published in the January issue of ANALOG magazine, which you should be able to find in a decent library. The story is called 'Music Played on the Strings of Time'. I sent the manuscript to Neil right after I wrote it, and he really liked it."
My full list of novels [as of Sept. 1993] is (* have at least a little RUSH influence in them):
*Resurrection, Inc., 1988
Gamearth, 1989
Gameplay, 1989
Game's End, 1990
*Lifeline, with Doug Beason, 1990
*The Trinity Paradox, with Doug Beason, 1991
*Afterimage, with Kristine Kathryn Rusch, 1992
Assemblers of Infinity, with Doug Beason, 1993
"When I wrote my first novel it was inspired by the Rush album Grace Under Pressure. I remember signing a few copies and sending them to the offices of their label Mercury Records. A few months later I got a letter from Neil Peart and we've been corresponding and good friends ever since." - Kevin J. Anderson, ProgRockMag.com, April 5, 2012
"Resurrection, Inc was inspired by the whole Grace Under Pressure album. 'Someone to talk to and someone to sweep the floor' - that's the Servants. The Enemy Within is all about the main character, 'are we the last ones left alive' is all about the Wakers. In the recent ECW reissue of Resurrection, Inc, I wrote an extensive foreword about how the book was influenced by Rush. I noted that in the acknowledgments of the original publication, and that's how Neil and I got in touch more than 25 years ago." - 2112.net, June 18, 2015
The Mighty Quinn, the movie, February 16, 1989
As the credits are still rolling at the very beginning of this movie starring Denzel Washington, a live reggae band is performing at a wedding reception. A man in the crowd, watching the dancers, is wearing a faded black Signals t-shirt.
A Farewell to Kings, The Hypernovel, by Christopher P. Simmons, 1990
A "Rush-quoting computer geek" creates a computer network named "Syrinx" which predicts the end of the world. With Rush references sprinkled throughout, Neil Peart praised this novel, saying "I think the story is important one, and I think you have told it well", and "I am truly honored to see Rush lyrics woven into the fabric of your book."
"Same Ol' Situation", the music video by Motley Crue, August 1990
In the video a fan is clearly seen wearing a Presto tour t-shirt.
Coma of Souls, the album by Kreator, November 6, 1990
On the back cover of this album by German thrash metal band Kreator, drummer Ventor is wearing a Presto concert t-shirt.
Mystery Science Theater 3000, the television series
Rush acknowledges "MST-3K" in the Counterparts liner notes. This sci-fi series featured three characters from the future, who would sit in a theater (we would see their silhouettes from behind) and discuss bad sci-fi movies. Here are some Rush references, although there is no doubt others exist.
"I think it should be mentioned that one of the high points of Geddy's career, and Neil's career...was the fact that they've both have been mentioned on Mystery Science Theater and I haven't because I'm a bum."- Alex Lifeson, "Rockline", January 24, 1994
"...MST3K, I mean, that's forever. I was a huge MST3K fan, by the way. I still have a bunch of them on tape. I have a friend in New York who turned me on to that show, because we weren't getting it up here in Canada. She would send me these tapes and we'd watch them on the bus. They're just fantastic." - Geddy Lee, Sporting News, April 13, 2007
Go Jump in the Pool!, the novel by Gordon Korman, 1991
2112 sighting: The two main characters hold 2112 shares in a company.
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, the video game, December 1991
A group of pirates say that while they were stranded on a tiny desert island, they came across a philosopher who told them something that changed their lives: "all the world is a stage, and we are merely players."
This may be a reference to "Limelight", which was in turn inspired by William Shakespeare's As You Like It.
Ultima VII: The Black Gate, the video game, April 16, 1992
In the game, one of the books found in a library opens to show "'THE TRIO' by Leepeartson, Compiled from the music of three master bards, this full volume contains a collection of songs for a variety of stringed and percussion instruments."
Seinfeld, the television series, aired February 18, 1993
During the episode "The Old Man", while leaving the taxi with Jerry, Kramer, and George, Newman is holding a stack of albums which includes All The World's A Stage.
"Rocket", the music video by Smashing Pumpkins, July 1993
At the beginning of the video there is a close up of Billy Corgan's guitar on which a Rush sticker is clearly displayed. Corgan has always referred to Rush as a major influence and along with verbally giving thanks to Rush, performed a live, unplugged version of "Limelight" during a Smashing Pumpkins' concert in Toronto, Canada, in March 2000.
Adolescents and Their Music: If It's Too Loud, You're Too Old, the book by Scott A. Reid, Jonathon S. Epstein and D.E. Benson, May 1994
Includes a chapter title inspired by Rush: "Living on a Lighted Stage: Identity Salience, Psychological Centrality, and Role Behavior of Semi Professional Musicians". Published by Garland Publishing, New York.
Spider Man 2099 #19, by Marvel Comics, June 1994
2112 sighting: the character "Discord" tells Spider-man he has predicted the end of civilization in the year 2112.
Chrome Circle, the novel by Mercedes Lackey, July 1, 1994
Tannim, the main character, comments on Rush's "Roll The Bones" and the importance of the lyrics. Rush is mentioned in other Lackey novels as well.
Airheads, the movie, August 5, 1994
During the scene where the band is raiding the radio station's CD archives, on the partition of one of the desks is a blue Rush Hemispheres bumper sticker.
Warcraft, Orcs & Humans, the real-time strategy computer game, November 23, 1994
In this first installment from the Warcraft universe, some of the cheat codes are lines from Rush songs. For example, for extra wood you type "Hatchet, axe, and saw", and for more gold type "glittering prizes."
Beavis and Butt-head, the animated television series, aired December 19, 1994
In "Plastic Surgin'", Beavis & Butt-head go to a plastic surgeon to get "wiener implants". The episode includes Rush's "Stick It Out" video; when Beavis realizes its Rush, he starts singing "Invisible airwaves crackle with life, bright antenna bristle with the energy".
"High-Fiving MF", the music video by Local H, April 1996
Frontman Scott Lucas is wearing a 2112 t-shirt in the video. Local H later covered "2112 Overture/Temples Of Syrinx" on The Another February EP in 2013.
Microserfs, the novel by Douglas Coupland, May 10, 1996
On page 12 of this novel about geeky computer programmers who are searching for real lives, "Michael" lists his "Jeopardy categories" (main interests) which includes "Neil Peart (drummer for Rush)." Later, on page 173, two characters discuss the difference between a "geek" and a "nerd.":
"Susan said that geeks were usually losers in high school who didn't have a life, and then not having a life became a status symbol. 'People like them never used to be rewarded by society. Now all the stuff that made people want to kick your butt at fifteen becomes fashionable when fused with cash. You can listen to Rush on the Ferrari stereo on your way to get a good seat at Il Fornaio - and wear Dockers doing it!'"
The Grave, the movie, January 1996
The funeral director, played by Anthony Michael Hall, reportedly wears a 2112 t-shirt throughout this film about two escaped prisoners searching for treasure to be found in the grave of a dead millionaire.
Love and Rockets, Book 15: Hernandez Satyricon, the graphic novel, January 17, 1997
This graphic novel includes a rock band having a dispute, where the guitarist states "How can we expect to go somewhere when we have a drummer who won't keep the same beat twice because he wants to be some guy named Neil Peart...?"
Brass Eye, the British television series
During the episode "Animals" (aired January 29, 1997) of this spoof documentary series where British Celebrities are fooled into endorsing false products, the character Bernard Lehring ("a pompous Londoner who makes a living from fighting otters") pulls up to a nightclub with "The Spirit of Radio" emanating from his Jaguar's stereo. Writer Chris Morris reportedly often includes his favorite musicians in the credits of his programs, and Geddy Lee and Neil Peart have both appeared in the credits as cameramen, etc.
Roseanne, the television series, aired March 4, 1997
Midway through the episode "Roseanne-Feld", when Mark and Jackie go outside of the wrestling arena to take a phone call, the words "I LOVE RUSH!" are written on the wall behind Jackie above the pay phone.
Orgazmo, the movie, September 6, 1997
Written and directed by South Park's Trey Parker, includes a scene where "Dave The Lighting Guy", played by South Park collaborator Matt Stone, takes a picture of the cast of a porno film. He says, "say Geddy Lee" to which one of the stars responds, "Who's Geddy Lee?". He replies "Geddy Lee, best bass player, ever!" (Click here for a video clip). On the DVD release, in the bonus features blooper reel there is an outtake of this same scene where Matt says "Okay, now everyone say, 'Neil Peart'!" (pronounced 'Pert')...Only the greatest drummer ever, duh."
The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell, the autobiography by Marilyn Manson and Neil Strauss, February 14, 1998
This book includes a photograph of a teenage Manson wearing a Rush shirt on page 34, along with a comment by Manson on listening to Moving Pictures on page 38.
Small Soldiers, the movie, July 10, 1998
"Tom Sawyer" is playing in the background during the scene where Christy, played Kirsten Dunst, is on the telephone with Alan, played by Gregory Smith (a Led Zeppelin poster is hanging on her wall). A remix of the song by DJ Z-Trip was included on the soundtrack album, and two separate remixes were included on a promo cd.
Whatever, the movie, July 10, 1998
"Tom Sawyer" is played at a party and is included on the soundtrack album.
Star Trek Starship Creator, the video game, October 1998
This computer game reportedly has starships named "USS Syrinx" and "USS Lamneth". In addition, in the crew roster bios, Commander Kyle's hobbies and interests include "Works of early 21st century Canadian poet Neil Peart."
Free Enterprise, the movie, October 23, 1998
This film contains the following conversation: "What did you think of 'Christian McBride?'" "Oh, I didn't listen to it yet." "Dude, you did the same thing when I gave you Tales From Topographic Oceans." "That's that Rush album that you lent me?" "Dude, it's Yes!".
Waterboy, the movie, November 6, 1998
"Tom Sawyer" is played during the movie's climactic final game and is included on the soundtrack album.
Mars 2112, the restaurant, opened November 1998
Other than the obvious 2112 sighting, this future space travel themed restaurant in New York City bears no relationship to Rush.
"The Mother of All Machines", the short story by Lee Borell, 1998
A short story in which the author expands the story told in "The Body Electric".
SLC Punk, the movie, January 22, 1999
Near the end of this movie about punk rockers in Salt Lake City in 1985, a flashback scene shows the two main characters discussing Dungeons and Dragons as "The Trees" plays on the stereo. One character complains about the music, and the other defends them with "Rush is a very good band, their music is very complex, and...perfection! ...I like them, they rock!" The first character then changes the music to Generation X (Billy Idol).
American Movie: The Making of Northwestern, January 1999
A documentary film about the making of the independent short-horror film Coven, 1997, from which it is hoped would yield enough profit to finish another, full length independent feature film, Northwestern. 1:33 into the film, director Mark Borchardt asks friend Mike Schank "Would you buy this movie for $14.95?". Mike answers "Yeah, hell yeah...that's what Rush tickets were." In a scene five minutes later, Mike is seen wearing the tie-died Test for Echo tour t-shirt..
EDtv, the movie, March 26, 1999
Ed, played by Matthew McConaughey, wears a 2112 starman t-shirt under his unzipped gray sweat-shirt in the scene where he visits the hospital.
ReBoot, the computer animated television series, aired May 6, 1999
During episode 39, "End Prog", a character appears dressed wearing clothes and hair similar to the woman on the Permanent Waves album cover and pulls the curtain back to allow the camera in as on the cover of Exit...stage Left.
No Salutes For Your Surrender, the novel by Antanas, May 29, 1999
With a title inspired from "The Pass", it also includes an acknowledgment to Neil Peart:
"An Analog Kid listened to your Mystic Rhythms and heard the idealism that had him sooner become a Digital Man. That man now writes his own Middletown Dreams into Moving Pictures always on the hope that they might, as did so many of yours, incite Permanent Waves of integrity in another. Thank you."
Prayers For Rain, the novel by Dennis Lehane, June 2, 1999
The character Patrick Kenzie says, "I think Warhol is to art what Rush is to rock music, which is to say, I think he sucks."
Magnolia, the movie, December 8, 1999
On the DVD version, in the special features, there is a "Frank T.J. Mackey Infomercial", with a scene of Frank, played by Tom Cruise, calling a girl (Janet). Hanging on the wall of his apartment is a HUGE Chronicles poster.
Freaks and Geeks, the television series, September 25, 1999 - July 8, 2000
Set during the 1980-1981 school year, this television series had many Rush references, music samples, and characters wearing t-shirts during its 21-episode run. Not surprising, the Freaks And Geeks: Original Soundtrack And Score includes "The Spirit of Radio".
Avalon, the online comic strip, January 24, 2000
This comic included Geddy Lee during the segment "Live with Regis and Geddy Lee".
Front Mission 3, the video game, February 29, 2000
2112 sighting: this mech battle strategy game is set in Japan in the year 2112.
Primus Tour T-Shirt, February-April 2000
Known to be Rush fans, for their 2000 Antipop tour, Primus sold a concert t-shirt with artwork similar to the 2112 cover. For more on Primus, click here.
Backyard Baseball 2001, the video game, March 15, 2000
After clicking a few times on Randy Johnson in the "Cards" section of the game, Randy, who is known to be a Rush fan, says "If baseball doesn't work out I'm going to play drums in a rock band like Neil Peart (mispronounced as Pert) from Rush." [Also, see below entry for Backyard Baseball 2003].
High Fidelity, the movie, March 17, 2000
During the first scene in the record store (8 minutes into the movie), Barry, played by Jack Black, arrives late for work singing the instrumental section of "Jacob's Ladder". The films credits confirm this by crediting Rush. Coincidentally (or not...), in that very same scene, Dick the sales clerk is standing at a rack of albums, and directly in front of him is the back cover of All The World's A Stage.
South Park, the animated television series
"I remember buying their cassettes, tearing home on my BMX, running inside and throwing them into my Walkman, and sitting down to my drum set and just destroying my mom's afternoon. Rush was definitely the first band I ever loved." - Matt Stone, Ottawa Citizen, May 7, 2012
December Dawn, the novel by Kyle Vernon, 2000
An eBook with many familiar Rush themes, the protagonist is not only a Rush fan, he has a Signals poster hung in his living room. The book contains numerous direct and indirect references to Rush, including a mention of most of the Rush albums.
Planet Reverb, the album by surf duo Jetpack, May 5, 2000
Perhaps one of the most subtle yet humorous Rush tributes ever, guitarist Dan Standiford in the Planet Reverb liner notes photos is striking the same pose as Alex Lifeson in the Permanent Waves liner notes photos, right down to the guitar, shipping crates and coffee cup!
The Onion, the satirical newspaper
People Get Ready, the album by Mooney Suzuki, September 5, 2000
The phrase "snow dog is victoious" is included in this album's back cover artwork which contains a variety of seemingly random and misspelled words interspersed between the track list and credits.
2001 Nissan Maxima Television Commercial, Fall 2000
The first two measures of "Tom Sawyer" (repeating once) served as background music for a 20th Anniversary Nissan Maxima television commercial.
"Yes, this was approved by both the band and Anthem. We really don't have a problem with it as it was tastefully done. In this day and age where there's no real rock radio left and video TV only plays pop music, we are trying other directions to get the music out there. I know the whole 'corporate sell out' lines. I just don't think they're applicable any longer." - Anthem Records, October 17, 2000.
"We've never had a policy that's precluded that possibility and we've been offered situations in the past that we didn't feel were interesting or monetarily viable so we never had a hard rule about it and it seems it's such a common thing right now and over the last few years we've been offered so many things! So we just try to pick the best situations for ourselves." - Geddy Lee, Barnesandnoble.com chat, November 13, 2000
Strange Frequency, the VH-1 Original Movie, January 24, 2001
From VH-1's "Movies That Rock", this movie is a four part anthology of the VH-1 "Twilight Zone-esque" series of the same name. In the opening segment, "Disco Inferno", Buck (Erik Palladino) and Randy (Danny Masterson) are in a car accident and go to metalhead hell: a disco. Buck survives after being revived by the song in his Walkman: "Tom Sawyer".
The Written Works Of Chuck Klosterman
That 70's Show, the television series, 1998-2006
Wilson Quarterly, the magazine, Summer 2001 issue
The Power Windows album cover is used on the front cover of this issue of the quarterly publication for the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in a cover story titled "Pop Culture: Only a Wasteland?". "Paul Cantor suggests that, like the ancient Greeks, Americans know themselves through their popular culture...". Other than the cover image, no other references to Rush were included in the article.
"Amber", the music video by 311, July 2001
In the video, drummer Chad Sexton wears a Signals concert t-shirt.
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, the movie, August 24, 2001
At the end of the scene in the comic book store, Jason Mewes and Jason Lee 'sing' part of "La Villa Strangiato" (or possibly Raymond Scott's "Powerhouse", the song which inspired this same section of "La Villa Strangiato").
UltraPlayer version 2.112, the media player software, 2001
When not playing a file, this player displays the text "UltraPlayer 2112...Attention all planets of the Solar Federation....We have assumed control...We have assumed control".
Rockin' The Suburbs, the music video by Ben Folds, September 2001
Ben Folds wears a white 2112 shirt in one of the shots of this video directed by "Weird Al" Yankovic. Ben Folds previously gave thanks to Geddy Lee in the liner notes Ben Folds Five album The Unauthorized Biography Of Reinhold Messner.
Banzai, the British television series, 2001
Impostor, the movie, January 4, 2002
2112 sighting: in a scene 27 minutes into this sci-fi movie which takes place in the year 2079, Spence (Gary Sinise) calls his wife (Madeline Stowe) on his video phone. In her message, she says "...please leave a message. If this is a medical emergency enter code twenty-one-twelve..."
Futurama, the animated television series
Fox's animated series Futurama, by Simpsons creator Matt Groening, has included two Rush references:
The Simpsons, the animated television series
Backyard Baseball 2003, video game, March 15, 2002
In the "Cards" section of the game is a card for Major League pitcher/Rush fan Randy Johnson, which says, "Hobbies include photography, playing the drums, and listening to 'RUSH' albums." [Also, see above entry for Backyard Baseball 2001].
The Red Star Series, the novels by Dennis J. Barton
"Inspired by the works of Rush, Red Star is sure to thrill hard-core Rush fans and sci-fi addicts alike." Although not endorsed by Rush, the series blends the stories and ideas put forth in "2112", "Red Barchetta" and other songs with similar themes.
Trudeau, the Canadian television miniseries, March 31, 2002
It is reported that a clip from "The Spirit of Radio" is heard during the scene where Trudeau wins his final election.
Gore, the video game, April 24, 2002
The head map designer for this first-person shooter PC game designed most of his work to the music of Rush (I know, because he told me!), including two game maps called "UMC Anthem" and "Stepps of Cygnus".
Gilmore Girls, the television series
"Sure enough, when I get to the production office to rehearse the song we perform in the episode, there in the flesh is Mr. Geddy Lee & his beautiful daughter Kyla! Turns out Kyla has impeccable taste & never misses an episode of her favorite show, 'The Gilmore girls', right beside Dad who watches every one with her! Geddy told us that he was in LA listening to mixes of the new Rush CD, & set up a tour of the WB lot with Kyla, who had a great time meeting the cast & watching us work. I said to Geddy 'Well, hey ..... why don't you guys BE IN THE SHOW???'" - Sebastian Bach, (singer and Gilmore Girls regular for those not familiar with the show), MySpace blog, March 8, 2007
Serious, the autobiography by John McEnroe, published June 10, 2002
McEnroe talks of being a fan of Rush, and of getting a guitar lesson by Alex Lifeson.
Bubba Ho-Tep, the movie, June 9, 2002
A small Rush sighting from another fan with a quick eye! On the DVD release during the "Making Of" documentary, there is a quick scene showing fans lined up to see the film at the Toronto Film Festival (September 7, 2002), with a glimpse of a placard that reads "Line for Rush tickets only" (during the Vapor Trails tour).
Need for Speed - Hot Pursuit 2, the video game, July 9, 2002
Two versions of "One Little Victory" play randomly during the game, both the original Vapor Trails track and an instrumental edit.
"Making Arrows Out of Pointed Words": Critical Reception, Taste Publics, and Rush, the book by Christopher J. McDonald, published in the Journal Of American Culture, Vol. 25 Issue 3-4, September 2002
The author of this essay later published Rush, Rock Music, and the Middle Class: Dreaming in Middletown in 2009.
The Matrix and Philosophy, the book, September 27, 2002
One of the chapters in this book discusses freewill, and fittingly opens with the chorus to the Rush song.
The Rules of Attraction, the movie, October 11, 2002
2112 sighting: Sean Bateman, played by James Van Der Beek, receives love notes in a mailbox with number 2112.
Roller Coaster Tycoon 2, the video game, October 14, 2002
2112 sighting: this sims-style game allows the designer to purchase the "Escape Hatch" ride, which costs $2,112 dollars.
Mr. Birch, the online comic strip, October 16, 2002
This online comic strip featured a Rush themed storyline when Rush visited Rochester, N.Y., during the Vapor Trails tour.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, the video game, October 27, 2002
During the music loop for the in-game radio station "VROCK", shortly after Iron Maiden's "Two Minutes To Midnight" is heard, the DJ takes a call from someone named "Snowdog". In addition, for the "Publicity Tour" mission, according to the official video game strategy guide written by Tim Bogenn, a limo carrying the fictitious band "Love Fist" is rigged with a bomb, and that the drummer is the smartest member of the band and "it takes the professor on the drum kit approximately 2 minutes and 20 seconds to defuse the bomb."
Sealab 2021, the animated television series, aired November 3, 2002
"The Policy" (ep. 15, season 2, aired November 3, 2002). One of the characters marvels at another's new jukebox, marveling "Check it out, every Rush album ever!". The captain replies "Yeah, Caress of Steel!, it's an import." Click here for a video clip.
Hemispheres, the 35mm short film, November 2002
Inspired by the Rush album of the same name, the basis of the film is the struggle and battle of the left and right side of one's brain - the left being logic and the right being emotion. In the film, the characters on the Hemispheres album cover come to life to represent these two halves. As an added plus for Rush fans, the film makers included at least one visual reference from every Rush album released up to that point. For additional information including production stills, a complete synopsis, and how to order, visit TheSouth40.com.
Sonny, the movie, December 29, 2002
26 minutes into the film, "Limelight" plays as Sonny leaves his home and drives to his new life.
Dying to Live, skateboarding video, 2002
During this one-hour skateboarding video starring Zero Skateboards' team Zero, skater Jamie Thomas skates to "The Temples Of Syrinx".
Star Trek Enterprise, the television series, aired February 12, 2003
2112 sighting: during episode 41, "Cease Fire", Captain Jonathan Archer is called in to mediate an ongoing border dispute between Vulcans and Andorians, when he mentions "the border incursion of twenty-one-twelve". In addition, it is established in other episodes that Captain Archer was also born in 2112.
Hittin' the Note, the album by Allman Brothers Band, March 18, 2003
Not exactly a tribute... Graphic artist Hugh Syme reused Dimo Safari's photo of the crowd from Different Stages in the Hittin' the Note album artwork. The image of the crowd viewing a gigantic Tinkertoy was reimaged, with the Tinkertoy replaced by giant mushrooms.
Music in High Places (Live In Alaska), the music video by the Goo Goo Dolls, released March 18, 2003
During the performance of "Big Machine", one of the guitarists is wearing a red Hold Your Fire t-shirt.
Trailer Park Boys, the television series
"I was a bit nervous up there. I mean, it's dark, and I can't see, and I'm stepping over cables and stuff...Alex is a big fan of the show...Alex came to us and asked to do a cameo. The director was like, 'No, but why don't we write a whole episode based around you?' And he was totally into that. So we flew him out to Halifax and we shot with him for three days and had really great times. He's a really amazing person." - Mike Smith ("Bubbles"), TorontoStar.com, October 28, 2002
King Of The Hill, the animated television series, May 18, 2003
During the episode "The Witches of East Arlen," Bobby finds new friends who believe in witchcraft and "The Trees" is heard.
Odd Shoes, the novel by Alan Redman, June 2003
A "true biography of a fictional character", the protagonist is a Rush fan and references are sprinkled throughout.
Voltage, the music video by Mexican band Fancy Free, ~2003
During the video one of the band members is seen wearing a black 2112 Starman t-shirt.
Lara Croft Tomb Raider - The Cradle of Life, the movie, July 25, 2003
2112 sighting: when Lara (played by Angelina Jolie) travels to Hong Kong, during a shot of city traffic a large "2112-8888" is seen on the back of a bus.
Train 48, the Canadian television series, 2003-2005
Taking place on a Toronto "Go Train" with 10 commuters riding home to Burlington, Rush was the favorite band of the character named "Johnny". Loosely scripted and filmed the day it aired, the actors improvised all the dialogue, often including current events. The series had at least three Rush references, two of the original air dates are unknown:
Reno-911, the television series, aired September 10, 2003
A spoof of "Cops", this is a faux-reality series which airs on Comedy Central. During the episode, while making a presentation to a high school class, Lt. Dangle plays a silly song on his guitar about the dangers of crystal meth. After he finishes, he asks if there are any questions, but simply gets blank stares from the students. As they have about 45 minutes left, he asks if there are any requests and says, "I can play some Rush".
School Of Rock, the movie, October 3, 2003
During the scene where Jack Black's character gives the students music cd's for inspiration, he gives the drummer "Rush, 2112. Neil Peart [pronounced Pert], one of the great drummers of all time, study up." A later scene shows a close-up of a chalkboard displaying a "family tree" of rock, with RUSH listed under "Prog Rock". On the DVD release, there is an interactive feature of this same chalkboard titled "Dewey Finn's Chalkboard of Rock", with short biographies of each of the bands listed.
"At last, after seeing that movie, my kid thinks her dad rocks." - Geddy Lee, Q Classic Prog Rock Special Edition, July 15, 2005
"Shaking his hand, I...told him how pleased I had been by the reference in School of Rock. Jack said, 'That was my idea!' I also mentioned how we had originally wanted him to play the part of the 'awakening dreamer' in our opening film, the part Jerry Stiller had ended up doing ('What did they put in my tea?'). At the time, we had been told by Jack's people that he wasn't available, but typically, he had never even heard about it." - Neil Peart, Roadshow
El Caminos In The West, the music video by Grandaddy, 2003
Found on the DVD "Sumday - The Videos", in this video where the band is replaced by young girls who tour in their stead, one of the characters is wearing a black 2112 starman shirt.
Duck Dodgers, the animated television series
This series starring Daffy Duck, part of The Looney Tunes Show airing every Saturday at 11:30 AM on Cartoon Network (in Canada, it airs weekends at 8:30 AM and Sunday nights at 7:30 PM), has had two Rush references:
Aqua Teen Hunger Force, the animated television series
Part of Cartoon Network's Adult Swim lineup, which has frequently referenced Rush in various animated series.
"Rush fans? Yes! Yeah, in a big way!...Yeah, we love them!...We tried getting Geddy on the show. But he had 'other obligations.'" - Aqua Teen Hunger Force creators Dave Willis and Matt Maiellaro, Readmag.com, issue #24
Chilly Beach, the Canadian animated television series, aired November 5, 2003
"Dale" refers to his "To Do" list which includes "Play Guitar for Rush" (as well as "Win The Stanley Cup").
24, the television series
Green Lantern #170, by DC Comics, December 2003
This comic book opens with this conversation between the Green Lantern (who is reading a book) and the Flash:
Flash: "I hear Neil Peart's new book's really good too - and you don't have to be a Rush fan to enjoy it."
Green Lantern: "Why am I not surprised you listen to a band called 'Rush'?"
Flash: "A buddy of mine calls their music 'math rock' because of all the odd time signatures - but when you're the fastest man alive - basic 4/4 rhythm is pretty tedious."
"As the author of GREEN LANTERN #170, and a diehard Rush fan for the past 23 years, I was more than psyched to see that scene between Green Lantern & the Flash make your list of pop culture references! Thanks for including it! Stay tuned for more Rush references in the future...Great job on your website, by the way! Keep it up! Best, Ben Raab. www.benraab.com" - September 13, 2004
Transworld Skateboarding Magazine, Volume 21, Number 12, December 2003
As an acknowledgement that this was issue 21-12 of the magazine, it included Rush's starman on the backbone.
Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, the animated television series
Part of Cartoon Network's Adult Swim lineup, which has frequently referenced Rush in various animated series.
Cider With Roadies, the autobiography by Stuart Maconie, February 5, 2004
This autobiography by BBC Radio 2 DJ and TV face contains many references to Rush, including making love to his girlfriend to 2112. It is reportedly quite an interesting read regarding the state of music journalism and music in general in the UK during the 70s and 80s.
The Canadian Army Official Website, February 2004
"One Little Victory" was heard during a flash video which was used at https://www.army.dnd.ca, beginning in February 2004.
Reefer Madness, Special Addiction, the movie, April 20, 2004
An anti-pot propaganda film originally released in 1938, this film was colorized and reissued in 2004 with an audio commentary by Mike Nelson of Mystery Science Theater 3000. During a scene where one of the young pot heads is talking to the principal in his office, Nelson says in the commentary, "You know, I could have gotten away with so much more in high school if I thought to wear the tweed jackets and the sweater vests and the bow ties, you know, maybe slick my hair back. It was my feathered hair and RUSH t-shirts that pegged me as a troublemaker."
WWE Summerslam 2004, the pay-per-view event, aired August 15, 2004
"Summertime Blues" from Feedback was the official song for this pay-per-view event. Besides being played as background music during the event, the song was also used during commercials promoting the event (which also promoted the Feedback release).
The Weapon, the novel by Michael Z. Williamson, August 2004
Most of Rush fan Michael Z. Williamson's books include Rush references, including this one which took its title directly from the song.
From Beck's website, added August 16, 2004, a publicity photo taken while in the recording studio shows a Rush decal on Beck Hansen's guitar.
Phil The Alien, the movie, September 11, 2004
"Tom Sawyer" is heard in this Canadian comedy film about an alien who crashes to Earth and find himself alone in the wilds of northern Canada. The song is heard while the clueless alien wanders around in the woods; the individual band members as well as SRO are thanked during the credits. Note, non-Canadian releases do not include "Tom Sawyer", as the rights were only secured for Canada.
Feels Like Today, the album by Rascal Flatts, September 28, 2004
Guitarist Joe Don Rooney is wearing a Signals t-shirt in the photo on the inside sleeve of the album artwork.
Saturday Night Live, the television series
Second Hand Stories, the television series, aired October 14, 2004
During the pilot episode of this PBS series, the hosts visit "Joe's Used Record Store" in Baltimore, thumb through the albums, and one pulls out a plastic wrapped copy of 2112.
"Sweet Miracle", the fan produced video, October 2004
"A fan made music video for 'Sweet Miracle' off the 2002 album Vapor Trails by the Canadian Prog Rock band, RUSH. Influenced by pgs 338-339 of Neil Peart's book, Ghost Rider". - myspace.com/kimberlys_nyc
World Of Warcraft, the massively multiplayer online game, November 23, 2004
"Sugarcube", the music video by Yo La Tengo, December 2004
This video has a theme similar to the film School of Rock (see entry above), where the band must learn to be rock stars. At 2:00 into the video, the teacher reads the lyrics to "Closer To The Heart" while holding the A Farewell To Kings vinyl album cover.
Sally Forth, the comic strip, January 10, 2005
When Sally says she saw someone at the store whose name "starts with an 'R' and ends with an 'H'", her husband responds "You saw the rock group 'RUSH' at Target?"
It's The Whiskey Talking, the live concert movie by comedian Artie Lange, February 8, 2005
Artie Lange (best known from Howard Stern's radio show) comments on his own attire "I'm wearing the same jacket I wore to a Rush concert in 1981."
House, the television series
Numb3rs, the television series
Ghost In The Shell, the animated series, March 6, 2004
During the episode "Inductance" (#31), original air date March 6, 2004, one of the characters makes a list of essays which includes "'A Farewell To Kings' by Neil Peart".
OverCompensating, the online comic strip, March 8, 2005
The lead character writes a song about hacking to the tune of "Tom Sawyer".
Red Sector 2112, the video game, March 15, 2005
With a title taken from two Rush songs, this video game for the Pocket PC appears to be very similar to Doom. It of course takes place in the year 2112.
Cheap Seats, the television series
This comedic parody show, broadcast on ESPN's Classic Sports, features twin brothers, Randy and Jason, who comment on old and crazy sporting events such as "Wide World of Sports", rodeo, spelling bee, skeet shooting, outdoor games, celebrity events, etc.
According To Jim, the television series, aired March 29, 2005
At the opening of the show, Jim and his blues band are in the garage practicing and Jim's brother-in-law, Andy, does a few extra slides down the keyboard to end the song Jerry Lee Lewis style. Jim looks at him and says, "Well, that blew" to which Andy replies, "Yeah, like we're going to open for Rush!"
Speed - The Ride, May 2005
Visit americancoasters.com to watch the video for "Speed - The Ride", a roller coaster at the Sahara Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas which uses "Driven" as the soundtrack.
Out Of The Gene Pool, the comic strip
The Written Works Of Kathryn Lively
YYZ, the computer animated video by Bobby Standridge, July 2005
This fan created video was a Rush-internet sensation in July 2005. Bobby would later create the official video for "Malignant Narcissism".
The Girls Next Door, the reality television series, debuted August 7, 2005
2112 sighting: filmed at one of Playboy's key photographic studios, "Playboy Studio West", located at 2112 Broadway Avenue in Santa Monica, California, its exterior with its highly visible street number, 2112, was frequently shown throughout the series' run.
Terry, the television movie, September 11, 2005
"Limelight" in heard in the soundtrack to this film on Terry Fox's unprecedented cross-Canada marathon in April 1980 on an artificial leg for cancer research.
Doom RPG, the mobile phone game, September 13, 2005
2112 sighting: at one point in the game a civilian in Junction 4 says "Welcome! This is the oldest part of the base. Built in 2112..."
Supernatural, the television series
The Posies, 2005
This photo of Posies guitarist Ken Stringfellow taken in 2005 shows the band's name printed on the bass drum with the identical pink and black logo style used by Rush on their debut album.
Squidbillies, the animated television series, aired October 16, 2005
Part of Cartoon Network's Adult Swim lineup, which along with Sealab 2021, Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law have all referenced Rush. During the Squidbillies pilot, "This Show Is Called Squidbillies", the main character starts hallucinating and says, "I'm in that band, Rush," as a slightly off tempo version of "Tom Sawyer" is heard in the background. He has a flashback where he is onstage jamming out with Rush, and we see the squid on stage with two guys who are only seen from the chest down. In the end, however, he recalls it never really happened.
Batman Begins, the movie, October 18, 2005
In the special features of the deluxe edition DVD, during some of the interviews actor Christian Bale (Batman/Bruce Wayne) is seen a black Rush starman t-shirt.
Comedians Of Comedy, the television series, aired December 9, 2005
During episode 4 of season 1, comedian Brian Posehn wears a Rush T-shirt.
Kenny vs. Spenny, the Canadian comedy reality television series, aired December 12, 2005
2112 sighting: during the episode "Who Can Sell More Bibles?" (episode 11, season 2), as Kenny is seen reciting mock Bible excerpts, a caption credits the verse to as the Book of Jean-Luc Picard 21:12.
Dark Hollow, the novel by Brian Keene, published January 1, 2006
This novel includes the conversation: "Dale shuffled through the papers until he found what he was looking for. 'According to legend, Pan invented the shepherd's pipe. One day, he came across a beautiful woman named Syrinx.' Cliff broke into an impromptu chorus of Rush's 'Temples of Syrinx.'' He stopped when he realized Dale was glaring at him. I suppressed a giggle".
Slowpoke, the online comic strip, February 27, 2006
Includes an eggplant that looks like Geddy Lee.
SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate, the video game expansion pack for SWAT 4, February 28, 2006
During one mission from this first-person shooter, the player is directed to go to "2112 Geddy Avenue".
Supergroup, the reality television show, May 21 - July 2, 2006
A pseudo-reality show "with the premise being to lock several musicians in a house for 10 days and get them to write and record some new original music", stars included Scott Ian (Anthrax; guitar), Ted Nugent (guitar), Evan Seinfeld (Biohazard; bass), Sebastian Bach (ex-Skid Row; vocals) and Jason Bonham (Bonham, UFO, Foreigner; drums). During episode 103 (aired June 4), lead singer Sebastian Bach is seen wearing a Moving Pictures t-shirt; later, during episode 105 (aired June 18), he is seen wearing 2112 boxers. Sebastian Bach previously recorded "What You're Doing" with his band Skid Row, and also performed on two Rush tribute albums: Working Man and Subdivisions.
Just Listen, the novel by Sarah Dessen, April 6, 2006
On page 151, the main character, Annabel is listening to a CD in the car. The text reads "The CD was still going, now playing a song by Rush as a minivan drove past us, kicking up some leaves."
Bang Cartoon, the online cartoon, June 19, 2006
In an online cartoon which makes light of one time NFL great Ricky Williams' signing with the Toronto Argonauts (where Marijuana is legal), a caricature of Geddy Lee makes a plea for more US football talent to play in Canada.
PvPonline, the online comic strip, June 30, 2006
In this online comic strip, a 2112 poster is seen on the wall behind the artist, Scott Kurtz.
Saxondale, the British television series
Comedian/actor Steve Coogan plays Tommy Saxondale, an ex-roadie who now runs a pest control business.
Alice I Think, the Canadian television series, aired July 28, 2006
During the episode "Pit Stop" which first aired on The Comedy Channel, July 28, 2006, Diane, Alice's mother, invites her friend Geraldine and her daughter to stay with them after a house fire. Geraldine upsets John, Alice's father, when she accidentally spills her drink on his favorite Rush shirt. When he confronts her about it, she replies that she has a case of the same shirts at home because she used to date a Rush Roadie. After this bit of information, he decides he likes her again, and they eventually get drunk together. When his wife walks in, John plays a riff on his guitar and says, "Honey, Geraldine told me Alex Lifeson showed her this, well actually his roadie." Later, Geraldine begins telling a story about "this one time on the tour bus, Geddy grabs his guitar and..." but stops as Diane is obviously unimpressed that her friend is getting hammered with her husband. In a later scene, even more drunk, John and Geraldine begin a poor rendition of "Subdivisions" accompanied by an even worse performance on the guitar.
Scoop, the movie, July 30, 2006
2112 sighting: in this Woody Allen film, the combination to one of the character's wine cellar is "16 2112".
Dead Rising, the video game, August 8, 2006
During the Xbox 360 game, while fighting with prisoners on the jeep in the leisure park, the song "Gone Guru" by the rap band Lifeseeker plays. From their eponymous debut album, the song includes a sample of the main guitar riff from "A Passage to Bangkok"; click here for a sample; the Bangkok riff begins at 1:07.
Beer League, the movie, September 15, 2006
Artie, 37, who lives at home with his mom, brings a girl back to his bedroom. She is concerned that the walls are too thin, and that Artie's mom will hear. Artie says "These walls are completely sound proof...you could play drums in here! You could do the solo from 'Tom Sawyer'!" The girl replies "Who's Tom Sawyer?".
Trailer Park Boys: The Big Dirty, the movie, October 6, 2006
The TPB's scheme to rob a change machine, named the "Quiznoid 2112", from inside the local theater, whose marquee lists "Bastille Day", "The Temples of Syrinx", "Cygnus X1", "Red Barchetta", "La Villa Strangiato", "The Trees" & "Return of the Prince" among the films now showing (the other films are titles of songs by The Tragically Hip). The movie also includes a cameo by Alex Lifeson in the role of a policeman (with Gord Downie of The Tragically Hip as his partner), and of course it also includes the obligatory Rush t-shirt. Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson also appear on the soundtrack.
Heroes, the television series, October 23, 2006
Fly By Night sighting: Possibly coincidental, as the phrase certainly was not invented by Rush, but still worth a mention: during the episode titled "Hiros", the name of the dinner outside Las Vegas where time-traveling Hiro Nakamura first witnesses Nathan Petrelli fly out of the sky is the "Fly By Night".
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent, the video game, October 24, 2006
2112 sighting: at two points during the video game, access codes are given as 2112. One of them is found when you interrogate a crew member on a cruise ship and he gives the access code to the navigation room as "2112". The location of the second code is found during mission "JBA, Headquarters 3".
The Written Works Of David Mack
In addition to sprinkling Rush references in his novels, Mack also contributed the story "Our Possible Pasts", inspired by the song "Show Don't Tell", to the short story collection 2113 edited by Kevin J. Anderson and John McFetridge.
"Neil once sent me a brief but friendly email, as thanks for naming a character in his honor in my first pair of published Star Trek novels, A Time to Kill and A Time to Heal." - DavidMack.pro
Once Upon A Lifetime, the book by Vincent M. Jeffries, November 3, 2006
The author references Rush frequently in this book about divorce, family and friendship.
Guitar Hero 2, the video game, November 7, 2006
During this interactive guitar playing game, players perform to 55 songs, including a cover of "YYZ".
"This instrumental track, originally released in 1981, is one of the most difficult songs to play in 'Guitar Hero' and now 'Rock Band,' so it's become a sort of a geek milestone..." CNET.com, "The top 10 songs the Web brought back" (YYZ is #5), July 27, 2009
Tenacious D Rush Star Merchandise, Fall 2006
Items available via the official Tenacious D website include a t-shirt, keychain and magnet with their take on the Rush Star. Singer & backup guitarist Jack Black was Rush's original choice to act in the opening film of the R30 Tour, a part which Jerry Stiller ended up doing. Black is a longtime Rush fan, and can be seen 'singing' the music of "Jacob's Ladder" in the film High Fidelity, calling Peart "one of the great drummers of all time" in School of Rock, and even did his laundry on stage during one show of the R30 Tour. Note, while Rush's star has been mistakenly called a pentagram, well...
Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, the television series, aired November 13, 2006
During the episode "Nevada Day Part 2" (#108), a Neil Peart poster for Paragon Cymbals is seen hanging on the door of "Dillon's" dressing room.
Family Guy, the animated television series
White Noise 2: The Light, the movie, January 5, 2007
Midway through this film about a man who sees a light emanating from those about to die, Katee Sackhoff's character tells how her deceased husband was an elementary school music teacher who organized a recital each year and "had the kids singing Bowie, Pink Floyd, Rush, The Beach Boys, a little Janes Addiction, you name it." A later scene takes place at one of those recitals where the elementary school choir is singing "The Spirit of Radio". The song was performed by the Vancouver Bach Children's Chorus.
The Knights Of Prosperity, the television series, aired January 17, 2007
During the opening scene of the episode "Operation: Fighting Shape", the leader of the group chooses "Tom Sawyer" as their theme song, then begins to sing Tom Sawyer along with a karaoke machine as the other members join in (click here for a video clip). Twice later in the episode the Rush version is played as well.
Patriots: A Nation Under Fire, the video game, January 23, 2007
A first-person shooter PC game by the developers of Gore (see previous entry, released April 2002), in the very last building of the final mission, above a garage door in the dark is the word "Rush". This is a small homage to the band by the lead designer, a Rush fan!
Ghost Rider, the movie, February 16, 2007
Fitting as it shares the title of both the Rush song and Neil Peart' book, and as the star Nicolas Cage is a huge Rush fan, in one of the "making of" featurettes found on the DVD, the visual effects director is seen wearing the tie-dyed Feedback tour shirt.
"Stuck Between Stations", the music video by The Hold Steady, March 1, 2007
The drummer in this video from this Brooklyn-based alternative rock band is wearing a Rush Permanent Waves t-shirt.
The Enlightened Bracketologist - The Final Four of Everything, the book by Mark Reiter and Richard Sandomir, March 6, 2007
In this book "for determining what we really love or hate - and why", 32 studio songs of at least 10 minutes in length are listed under the topic of "Long Songs". On pages 55-56 "The Camera Eye" loses to Pink Floyd's "Echoes".
Joomla, the open-source content management system software, Spring 2007
The second software release for Joomla, software for building Content Rich Websites, was dubbed "the Red Barchetta".
"We've dubbed Beta-2 'Red Barchetta', in keeping with the spirit of freedom, power, simplicity and flexibility unknown in an Open Source framework. Besides Red Barchetta conjuring up triumph through coding revolution, this baby provides developers and designers with unequaled tools. This makes Joomla! 1.5 Beta-2 the ultimate enabler for your projects. Now is the time for you to take it for a serious drive to help our team refine the software for our release candidate goals." - Joomla.org
My Name Is Earl, the television series, aired May 3, 2007
During the episode "Get A Real Job", airdate May 3, 2007, "Working Man" is heard when Earl gets a full-time job on the loading dock of an appliance store and tries to get promoted into sales.
The Sopranos, the television series, aired May 6, 2007
During episode #82, "Walk Like A Man", as Tony Soprano pulls into the driveway of his house, "Tom Sawyer" is playing on his car stereo.
Crossing Made Easy, the television commercial, June 2007
A humorous video at CrossingMadeEasy.com promotes the ease of crossing the Canadian border as a car full of guys pick their favorite Canadian song. "Tom Sawyer" is of course one of the songs chosen, but the humor is found when another chooses Celine Dion. - CrossingMadeEasy.com
Semplice, the computer software, 2007
In the "about" dialogue box for the "Semplice Storefront Manager" program, in fine print are the words "All Songs composed by Lee and Lifeson with lyrics by Peart". As there is no music in the software, this is apparently a small tribute by the program's authors.
Code Monkeys, the animated television series, July 11, 2007 - August 17, 2008
All-Pro Football 2K8, the video game, July 16, 2007
The DJ Z-Trip remix of "Tom Sawyer", originally from the Small Soldiers soundtrack, is one of many classic remixes found in the game's soundtrack.
"UFOs At The Zoo", the music video by The Flaming Lips, August 21, 2007
During one of the fan features from the Oklahoma City Zoo, a fan is seen wearing a Rush A Farewell To Kings t-shirt. He first appears briefly 33 minutes into the film, then again 10 minutes later.
Halloween, the movie, August 21, 2007
"Tom Sawyer" is heard in this remake of the 1978 horror classic by Rob Zombie and is also included on the soundtrack.
Boogeyman 2, the movie, January 8, 2008
One of the characters is a musician who has a Neil Peart Paragon poster on the wall in his room.
Frisky Dingo, the animated television series, aired September 30, 2008
Part of Cartoon Network's Adult Swim lineup, which has frequently referenced Rush in various animated series. During the episode "The Middle", Neil Peart is referenced when a character makes a bad attempt at a vocalized drum fill.
The Sarah Silverman Program, the television series, aired October 3, 2007
Airing on Comedy Central, during the episode "Bored of the Rings", after one of Sarah's gay and geeky friends played Dungeons & Dragons and missed a date, his boyfriend says something like "I made up a picnic basket and we were going to see the Rush concert tonight at the amphitheater!"
Everybody Hates Chris, the television series, aired October 8, 2007
Late in the episode "Everybody Hates Caruso", "Tom Sawyer" begins to play when the bully Caruso begins to fight the Asian student, Yao, in the school corridor.
Guitar Hero 3, the video game, October 28, 2007
This third edition of the interactive guitar playing game does not include any Rush songs but does include a couple of Rush references. One of the guitars that can be purchased in the game's store looks like a playing card and is called "Farewell To Kings" with the description "Its time to play your cards, but don't rush into it". Also, you can unlock a Gibson ES-355, which includes in its description "users of this guitar include Alex Lifeson of Rush..."
Barenaked Ladies, Talk To The Hand, the concert movie, November 7, 2007
BNL guitarist/singer Ed Robertson wears a Rush t-shirt throughout this concert DVD. Pictured on the shirt is a photo of Rush circa '77. Robertson performed with Rush and Mike Smith of the Trailer Park Boys to record a special version of "Closer To The Heart" for the charity television telethon "Canada For Asia" in early 2005 (included on the bonus disk of Rush's R30 DVD). Known Rush fans, BNL have frequently performed "The Spirit of Radio" in their live show and included short tributes to "Tom Sawyer" and "The Spirit of Radio" in their song "Grade 9" on the album Gordon, and drummer Tyler Stewart used a caricature of Rush's Star Man on his bass drum during their 2001 tour.
Rock Band, the video game, November 20, 2007
This interactive game allows players to perform lead guitar, bass, drums and vocals. A cover of "Tom Sawyer" is one of the original 26 songs included on the game disk, while "Limelight" and "Working Man" are available as a download purchase. After the initial release, on July 8, 2008, the master track of "Closer To The Heart" and the "Working Man (Vault Edition)", were made available for download; on July 22 the "Working Man (Vault Edition)" was made available for download on iTunes. On September 23rd, 2008, the complete Moving Pictures master tracks were made available for download. These were the first "original versions" of "Tom Sawyer" and "Limelight" for the game, as the original Rock Band versions were covers. In addition, the Rock Band website posted a video interview where Geddy and Alex discuss the making of Moving Pictures. This was the second part of the previously posted video interview where they discuss finding the lost "Working Man 'alternate solo'" and the making of their debut album.
"The version features a never before heard guitar solo that Alex Lifeson did during the original recordings back in the 70's. The song was re-mixed by Rich Chycki who is known for his work on R30 and Snakes & Arrows. A great addition to the Rush song library!" - Rush.com, July 21, 2008
"With a lot of the rock guitar games that are available now...a whole new audience is coming around to knowing who we are. We're seeing a lot of young kids that have learned about Rush that way. So its very interesting to us to see all of these 11 - 14 year old budding guitar players coming to our shows." - Alex Lifeson, KZRR Albuquerque phone interview, April 8, 2008
Hit List Countdown, Poland's "Polskie Radio Program 3", November 2007
A sample of "Where's My Thing?" is used as the main theme of this popular countdown on Poland Radio 3.
Xavier: Renegade Angel, the animated television series, aired December 9, 2007
2112 sighting: part of Cartoon Network's Adult Swim lineup, which has frequently referenced Rush in various animated series. During the episode "World Of Hurt, BC", Xavier travels back in time to confront a Cro-Magnon wifebeater (by eating bacon and smoking to "take minutes off his life and thus go back in time"). To travel back to the future, he regurgitates the bacon but goes too far, to the year 2112.
Adventures Of Power, the movie, January 20, 2008
The story of one man's quest to win an "air-drumming" competition, this film holds a treasure trove of goodies. The film includes a flashback scene where young Power is inspired to become a drummer after hearing "Tom Sawyer" on the radio. In addition, adult Power's bedroom is plastered with Rush and Neil Peart posters, and during one of the more hilarious scenes onlookers criticize Power for daring to air drum Neil Peart "without a stool". The coup de grâce comes at the end of the film, when Neil Peart himself has a rare cameo as the judge of the final air drumming competition; he must judge the performance of the most difficult air drumming song ever: "Tom Sawyer".
Cygnus X-1 Porter, Flat Earth Brewing Company
"This robust English style porter has an added twist, rye. Rye is used in making Canadian whiskey. It was created as a tribute to our favorite band - Rush. Cygnus X-1 has a creamy mocha chocolate flavor with a hint of spice. It has a slightly dry finish leaving you wanting more." - Flat Earth Brewing Company
Freedom, the Japanese anime series, January 25, 2008
By anime legend Katsuhiro Otomo (of "Akira" fame), during the first scene of volume 6, the main character is seen wearing a space suit with an Apollo 18 mission patch embroidered with the names "Lee, Lifeson, Peart". (There were 17 actual Apollo missions).
The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, the documentary movie, January 29, 2008
In this documentary which follows a pair diehard video game fans as they compete to break World Records on classic arcade games, one of the subjects performs Neil Peart's "The Rhythm Method" solo on the drums.
Chad The Fat Kid, the online comic strip, February 29, 2008
This online comic strip featured one of the characters wearing a Rush starman t-shirt.
Who's Your Monkey, the movie, March 28, 2008
As seen in the trailer, one of the characters is seen wearing a 2112 t-shirt.
The Grand, the movie, April 4, 2008
Early in this film, one of the characters explains that he prepares for poker tournaments by quoting from the mantra of the mentats in Frank Herbert's Dune. When he does this later in the film, another player asks, "is that Rush?"
Neil Peart - Mission: The Camera Eye, the video game, April 2008
"New Year's Eve, 2111. The members of RUSH have defied natural science and willed themselves to live upwards of 160 years old, in anticipation of the year that their stellar '2112' album was named for. Everyone expects them to play 2112 in its entirety for Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve, but virtuoso drummer Neil Peart has a different plan. Hours before the show, Neil announces to bandmates Geddy and Alex that he wants to finally play their lost epic 'The Camera Eye,' as a show of thanks for the almost 200 years of support from their fans. Horrified, Geddy and Alex attempt to lock Neil backstage and teleport his giant drum set into the icy caves of Xanadu. Nevermore shall they return! Little do they know the evil plans of the Portnoybot 1000 will turn everything they all know upside down! Can Neil Peart escape his prison and travel to the icy caves of Xanadu to assemble his drum set again? Will he be able to do it in time for Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve show? Can he thwart the Portnoybot 1000 and save Geddy and Alex from his mad overplaying? Will 'The Camera Eye' ever be played live?"
Primeval: Shadow Of The Jaguar, the novel by Steven Seville, May 13, 2008
This novel based on the British Primeval sci-fi television series includes many Rush references: the character Connor includes "2112" in his mp3 player's playlist (p43); later the characters tune their radios to channel 2112 (p106 and p206); and in the acknowledgments, the author states "Nothing can survive in a vacuum, and as the song goes, no-one can exist all alone."
HijiNKS Ensure: Geek Webcomic, the online comic strip, May 28, 2008
The music video game phenomenon was the subject of this online comic strip. Looking into the future, titled "Guitar Hero IV: The Inevitable Conclusion", the strip includes a drawing of a drum kit similar to that in Rock Band, only with many more accessories including tubular bells, a gong, etc., with the text "Guitar Hero V will have drums licensed by Neil Peart of Rush.".
The Cygnus X-1 by The Cygnus Model Rocket Company, released 2008
Possible Rush reference in that this model rocket company of course has a kit called the "X-1".
The Colbert Report, the television news show
Be Kind Rewind, the movie, June 17, 2008
On the DVD release of this film starring Jack Black, the star is seen giving an autograph to a man wearing a Rush t-shirt during the "Passaic Mosaic" special feature.
The Rocker, the movie, August 20, 2008
On the DVD release, during one of the deleted scenes Rainn Wilson goes to collect his drum kit from a self-storage, and when he opens one of the cases, the drum has "Neil Peart is GOD" written across the top of it...In preparation for the role, Wilson saw Rush in rehearsals for the Snakes & Arrows tour and met Neil Peart:
"They're not really a hair metal band, but I got to see them on their warmup for their tour and got to meet Neil Peart, who probably is the greatest drummer of all time," Wilson said. "He let me sit behind his kit and play it. So I was initiated in the world of drumming." ... - Rainn Wilson, Toronto Sun, March 25, 2008
The Shield, the television series, aired September 9, 2008
2112 sighting: during season 7, episode 2, 2112 was prominently written on a white board.
Rock Band 2, the video game, September 15, 2008
This interactive game allows players to perform lead guitar, bass, drums and vocals. Included in the track list is "The Trees" by Rush, another "vault edition", the audio is actually from the live promo video recorded in 1978.
Zeitgeist: Addendum, the documentary movie, October 3, 2008
During the introduction to the third chapter to this the second installment of the conspiracy theory documentary movie series (released free online), the opening bass notes from "Cygnus X-1" are heard (beginning near the 54:20 mark).
The Red Barchetta, the novel by Grant Brough, October 7, 2008
A novel based on the song by the same name which was itself based on a short story by Richard S. Foster.
Chuck, the television series
The Border, the Canadian television series, aired November 3, 2008
During "Prescriptive Measures" (season 2, episode 6), the resident computer nerd who works for a Canadian governmental agency celebrates after winning Geddy Lee's Rickenbacker bass from "Rush's first tour". He asks his co-workers if any of them want to hear him play "Working Man".
The Complete Master Works 2, the concert movie by Tenacious D, November 4, 2008
When introducing the song "The Metal", before The Metal walks on stage, alluding to "The Spirit of Radio" Jack Black says, "I hear machinery, making modern music".
Certifiable - Live In Buenos Aires, the concert movie by The Police, November 18, 2008
In the "Better Than Therapy" special feature, drummer Stewart Copeland discusses his 'Big Gong' and says, "this one is bigger than the one Neil Peart (mispronounced 'Pert') uses".
What Just Happened?, the movie, November 28, 2008
2112 sighting: late in the film, as Robert DeNiro's character is trying to catch a plane home from Cannes, the plane's ID number is CS2112F.
Time Immemorial, the music video by Into Eternity, December 9, 2008
One of the guitarists in this video from this Canadian death metal band is wearing a Snakes & Arrows t-shirt.
How I Met Your Mother, the television series
"Oh Canada, get ready for some major prime-time ribbing and every hoser cliché imaginable when the popular American sitcom How I Met Your Mother unveils its ode to the Great White North. Alan Thicke, Geddy Lee, Jason Priestley, k.d. lang, Alex Trebek and Luc Robitaille are just part of the constellation of Canadian stars featured in the all-things-Canuck episode that airs Monday." The Star, February 4, 2013
Similar to Mystery Science Theater 3000, these are audio commentaries from the stars of the original MST3K, which are played as you watch your own films.
Fanboys, the movie, February 6, 2009
"Limelight" and "Tom Sawyer" are heard in this comedy where "Star Wars" fans travel to George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch in 1998 to steal an early copy of "Episode I: The Phantom Menace". Throughout the film, actor Dan Fogler wears a retro Rush shirt circa 1974; in addition, his character keeps a cassette case containing only Rush tapes in his van. In one scene, Eric (Sam Huntington) opens the cassette case and says "What the hell Hutch, it's all Rush, what if we wanted a little variety?", to which Hutch (Dan Fogler) replies "Rush is variety, Bitch! Rule number one: in my van, its Rush! All Rush, all the time...no exceptions." (click here for a video clip)
"I love Rush. That was something Ernie Cline put in the original script and I think there is a great connection with the original trilogy and the music of Rush. An iconic band. So, yeah, I love Rush and Dungeons and Dragons, I always associate the two...Rush was in our script when it was floating around in 2005! I guess everyone thought Fanboys would never get made, so we'll use the Rush." - Kyle Newman, director, UGO.com, May 18, 2009
Peggle, the online computer game, spring 2009
The background of level six of the online game in which you try to clear tiles to advance to other levels, is very similar to the Fly By Night album cover.
I Love You Man, March 20, 2009
I Love You Man director and co-writer John Hamburg is a long time Rush fan, and used to play Rush covers in his band. When writing the script, he chose Rush as a bonding device for the lead characters played by co-stars Paul Rudd and Jason Segel (Rush fans may remember Segel from his role in the television series Freaks And Geeks, a series which frequently referenced Rush). Both Rudd and Segel are also Rush fans, and the film is full of Rush sightings, including a scene which takes place at a Rush concert with a cameo by the band. Additional Rush sightings include the multiple Rush posters adorning Segel's walls as he and Rudd jam to "Tom Sawyer" (with Rudd playing a Geddy Lee Signature Jazz Bass) and of course, Rudd and Segel jamming to "Limelight" at the end of the film. This performance is included on the I Love You Man Soundtrack, along with the original Rush versions of both "Limelight" and "Tom Sawyer".
Check out this extended 4:13 clip of Rush performing "Limelight" for the film, which includes footage not found in the final release. This concert scene was filmed May 5, 2008 at the Avalon Theater in Hollywood, the day before the first of their two shows in Los Angeles on the second leg of the Snakes & Arrows tour.
"When I met (the band) and I was explaining the scene to them, I was so hypersensitive that they would enjoy themselves and not feel as if we were making fun of them because we were not at all. So I was explaining it to them, like, 'Jason and I are dancing around and we're really, really excited, and Rashida [Jones], her character is weirded out by us but she's kind of bored because we're totally ignoring her. So that's what's going on in the scene. We're way into it and she's kind of bored.' And Geddy Lee said, 'So it's just like any one of our concerts.' (laughter)" - Paul Rudd, ComingSoon.net, March 19, 2009
"It was a blast, we just played the same song over and over again. It came at a tough time, because we were on tour and that was our day off. It was nice that it was such fun, because we were pretty beat." - Geddy Lee, Entertainment Weekly, March 20, 2009
Adventureland, the movie, April 3, 2009
By the director of Superbad and starring Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart, this film includes a scene where one of the characters air drums and sings "Limelight" (until he forgets the lyrics). While the song was heard in the trailer, it is not played during the film (although the band is listed in the film's credits).
K-On!, the Japanese animated series, aired April 9, 2009
During the second episode of season two of the Japanese anime series K-On! which aired April 9, 2009, when one of the characters goes to the music store to buy a Les Paul guitar, a Pearl drums banner on the wall has been reworked to read "Peart, the best reason to play drums".
Rock Band Classic Rock Track Pack, add on bundle for Rock Band, May 19, 2009
This 20-song pack includes the original versions of "Closer To The Heart" and "Red Barchetta".
Rock Band Unplugged, the PSP video game, June 9, 2009
This video game made specifically for the portable Sony PSP gaming system includes the "vault edition" of "The Trees", which was previously released with Rock Band 2.
Guitar Hero Smash Hits, the video game, June 16, 2009
Rush's "YYZ" is one of 48 songs compiled from previous Guitar Hero releases, yet unlike the version originally released on Guitar Hero 2, this is the master recording and includes play from all instruments.
Pepsi Rock Band, the television commercial, June 2009
"Limelight" was used as the background music for this television commercial promoting Pepsi Rock Band, a contest where you could upload your own Rock Band music video to PepsiRockBand.com to be eligible to win a Moonman at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.
Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit Roller Coaster at Universal Studios Florida, August 19, 2009
This unique roller coaster features an on-board sound system which allows the rider to choose the song which is played during the ride. While boarding the vehicle, the rider can choose from 30 main public songs; in addition, there are "bonus songs" which require a special code. Track number 101 is "The Temples of Syrinx". To hear this song, the rider must hold their finger down on the ride's logo for 8-10 seconds, then enter the track number.
Mercy Thompson: Homecoming, the graphic novel by Patricia Briggs, August 25, 2009
Stefan the vampire wears a purple Rush Star t-shirt throughout this graphic novel.
Guitar Hero 5, the video game, September 1, 2009
"The Spirit Of Radio" (live) is one of 85 songs by 83 artists included in this video game. Although Rush has been included in previous Guitar Hero releases, this one is a rarity. We have confirmed with SRO/Anthem that this recording was taken from an unreleased live performance in Manchester on June 17, 1980, on the Permanent Waves tour (Producer Terry Brown, Engineer Andy Rose, mobile truck recorder - Mobile Studio London). The same track was later included on the bonus disc found in the Permanent Waves 40th Anniversary Edition.
Warehouse 13, the television series
Suck, the movie, September 11, 2009
Alex Lifeson is one of an all-star cast of actors and musicians who appear in this Canadian vampire rock and roll comedy film. Lifeson has a cameo as a Canadian border officer who stops a vampire rock band and asks them their business. After some small talk, Lifeson says "Are you a band? I used to be in a band too! Man, that brings me back! Well kids, have fun!" Later, Lifeson stops the vampire hunter, and when the hunter confirms he is coming to Canada for "hunting", Lifeson replies "Welcome home!" Click here for a montage of his scenes.
Trailer Park Boys 2: Countdown To Liquor Day, the movie, September 25, 2009
This movie includes yet another cameo by Alex Lifeson in the role of a policeman, this time as an undercover male prostitute...
The Venture Bros., then animated television series
Part of Cartoon Network's Adult Swim lineup, which has frequently referenced Rush.
Gary Unmarried, the television series, aired November 4, 2009
In the opening scene of the November 4, 2009, episode titled "Gary Tries To Do It All" (season 2, episode 6), Gary complains about the cost of his daughter's youth orchestra with "it seemed pretty expensive, I could see if the orchestra played a little RUSH or AC/DC or something...".
It's Complicated, the movie, December 25, 2009
2112 sighting: Meryl Streep's character stays in room 2112.
Doctor Who Confidential, the British documentary television series, December 25, 2009
"Countdown" was heard as the background music of the episode "Lords And Masters" of this documentary series which complements the revival of the British science fiction series.
C.A., the French-Canadian television series, aired March 8, 2010
Martin, a mid-thirties construction worker, breaks up with his wife and goes back to his parents' house. Hanging on his bedroom wall, among other rock posters from the 80's including Samantha Fox and the Ramones, is a huge Permanent Waves poster.
Fringe, the television series
Quotidiana, the book by Patrick Madden, April 28, 2010
A book of personal essays covering a wide variety of subjects with the unifying theme being the influence of Rush on the author. Rush lyrics are quoted throughout the book, with permission from Neil Peart himself. The book's third essay, Remember Death (those who deciphered the skull-and-femur Morse code message in their Roll the Bones tour book will recognize this phrase), is especially Rush-related as the author remembers one summer day in 1981 when his friend placed headphones on his head and played "Tom Sawyer".
Restoring Harmony, the novel by Joelle Anthony, May 13, 2010
Graphic artist Hugh Syme reused the "Far Cry" dock image from Snakes & Arrows for the book cover.
Wizards Of Waverly Place, the television series, aired June 5, 2010
During the opening scene of the episode "Max's Secret Girlfriend" (season 3 episode 20), Alex and Harper discover that Max has a girlfriend. To keep his girlfriend a secret from his parents, he tells her his name is 'Tom Sawyer'. Alex says "'Tom Sawyer'? That is such an obvious lie, it's the name from the Rush song." Harper interjects "...and the classic book!" and Alex concludes "Wow that song was good, I didn't know they made a book out of it!" Later in the episode, Justin and Alex pretend to be his parents. Justin says "My son, Tom Sawyer, just the other day white washed the picket fence." Max whispers to Alex "What does white-wash mean?" And Alex replies "I don't know. It was never mentioned in the song!"
The Hard Times Of RJ Berger, the television series, aired June 7, 2010
During the series premiere (season 1, episode 1) of this MTV original series, after most of the players are ejected from the school's basketball game, RJ is forced to suit up as "Tom Sawyer" is heard.
I'm In The Band, the television series
Starcraft II: Wings Of Liberty, the video game, released July 27, 2010
One of Raven's random sayings in this video game is "This vessel has assumed control, it has assumed control."
Rookie Blue, the television series, aired August 26, 2010
During the episode "Big Nickel" (season 1, episode 10), while on a long car ride to pick up a prisoner McNally asks Swarek "What kind of music do you like listening to?" Swarek replies "Rush, I'm a big Rush fan". She answers "Who?" and he says "I like The Who too. Classic Rock, you know."
Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock, video game, September 28, 2010
This edition of Guitar Hero includes "2112" in its entirety along with unique Rush graphics, as well as narration by Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee.
"It's official: Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock has the most epically prog-rock finale of any music video game yet. Rush have teamed with Activision for the fall release, which features a story-based Quest Mode that includes with hero wannabes playing the entirety of '2112', a seven-part suite from the Canadian band's 1976 album of the same name. The story of the game's final segment roughly follows Rush's opus, and will be narrated by lead singer Geddy Lee and guitarist Alex Lifeson. 'In our story, the caves of 2112 are where our hero finds the lost guitar,' says Lee. 'This rediscovery of music is much like the Guitar Hero warriors' journey to find the Demi-God of Rock's Legendary guitar, which has been trapped in a cavern.' Watch exclusive footage from the game here...The venues include Rush-inspired caves and a faithful rendering of the now-defunct CBGB...Despite added emphasis on storytelling and quest progression, however, the game remains focused on rock. 'I think it's a great way to introduce people of all ages to music of various styles by all kinds of different bands,' says Lifeson, 'while providing a launching pad for kids who want to get into playing music.'" - Rollingstone.com, July 20, 2010
TSN Opening Hockey Montage, premiered October 13, 2010
Featuring "Caravan" as the theme song, as players talk about "thinking big" as the season begins, Geddy chimes in "I can't stop thinking big...". The video concludes with Neil Peart's recording of The Hockey Theme. Click here for the video.
Locke And Key, "Keys To The Kingdom", Issue #2, the graphic novel by Joe Hill, October 20, 2010
Written by Joe Hill (novelist and son of Stephen King), during issue 2 of the "Keys To The Kingdom" story arc, one of the protagonists visits a mental health facility and in one panel we can see the room occupation chart for the hospital floor. Included among the occupants are G. Lee, A. Lifeson and N. Peart.
Pixies, October 2010
While on tour in Chile in October 2010, Pixie's drummer David Lovering was wearing a Fly By Night t-shirt. The following March, in an interview with the Montreal Gazzette, Lovering acknowledged Neil Peart as one of his greatest influences:
"...A bigger surprise comes when the subject of their influences is raised. Lovering acknowledged reverence for John Bonham, 'any drummer who played for Steely Dan' and especially Rush's Neil Peart. 'When I first started playing for the Pixies, I was doing a lot of fills, believe me, just like Neil would do. It took a long time and a lot of concentration to keep it toned down,'" - MontrealGazzette.com, March 21, 2011
Jews And Baseball: An American Love Story, the documentary movie, November 5, 2010
"Hope" from Snakes & Arrows is included in the soundtrack.
AT&T High-Speed Internet television commercial, November 2010
In this television commercial for AT&T High-Speed Internet which has the tagline "now everyone can explore the world from home", a man wearing a Rush t-shirt featuring the logo from the debut album is shown visiting various retail stores on a giant computer mouse. The mouse represents that he is shopping online, and he eventually stops at a music store to purchase a matching Rush "onesie" for his newborn baby girl.
The Big Bang Theory, the television series
Skoda Fabia, the television commercial, Winter 2011
2112 sighting: in this Spanish television commercial for the Skoda Fabia, the car is offered in 2112 color combinations.
Criminal Minds, the television series, aired February 16, 2011
The episode "Today I Do" (season 6, episode 15), has the synopsis "A deranged woman tracks down the boyfriend of a woman whom she has abducted. Meanwhile the BAU puts out an APB on the missing man." The episode includes a scene where the deranged woman seduces the boyfriend of the woman whom she has abducted with beer and Rush. As "Closer To The Heart" live from A Show of Hands plays on the stereo, the man says "Oh my God, this is the best damn bootleg that Rush ever did...how did you know this is my favorite?!"
Minotron: 2112, the video game, March 2, 2011
2112 sighting: in 1991 Llamasoft released LLAMATRON: 2112, one of the most popular games ever on the Atari ST and Amiga, considered by many to be an all-time classic. Today, 20 years later, the Minotaur Project brings you a modern update to that legendary game, featuring a legendary beast - the Minotaur.
Twenty Twelve, the BBC television series, aired March 28, 2011
2112 sighting! In this comedy about London preparing for the summer Olympics, during season 1, episode 3 (Roman Remains), Ian Fletcher (Hugh Bonneville) has an issue with his badge letting him into the office. He's told to enter the PIN instead but he does not know what it is. His assistant comes down to let him in and Ian asks her what the PIN number is. She says, "Ah, yes. It's 2112." Ian replies, "2112? Is that a joke?" His assistant says, "It's the IT department's idea of a joke. It's when they think we will be ready for the games."
Tapas & Beijos (Slaps & Kisses), the television series, premiered April 5, 2011
In this Brazilian sitcom, a Snakes & Arrows-era Rush poster can be seen on the back wall of actor Fabio Assuncao's apartment.
United States Of Tara, the television series, aired April 11, 2011
During "The Full Fuck You Finger" (season 3, episode 3), as Marshall is helping his dad Max clean his hoarder grandmother's house, he comes across a second place trophy for Max's band "Beaver Lamp" from a battle of the bands competition. Max explains how bad they were with "we lost to a Rush cover band, that ought to tell you everything you need to know about Beaver Lamp." Ouch!
Restaurant 2112, Gothenburg, Sweden, opened April 21, 2011
2112 sighting: Two members of the Swedish metal band In Flames, Peter Iwers (bass) and Björn Gelotte (guitar), are partners in the 2112 restaurant in their hometown of Gothenburg, Sweden. Check out the restaurant's website or FaceBook page.
"2112 is inspired by Rush, and was released in 76, and is one of the best records in the prog genre...so we chose 2112". - co-owner Peter Iwers, Metal Hammer magazine
Archer, the animated television series
Sanctuary, the television series, aired April 22, 2011
During the episode "Hangover" (season 3, episode 12), the Sanctuary server's new passcode is "GEDDYLEE". Dr. Magnus asks "Geddy Lee?" to which Henry responds, "the lead singer of Rush." Dr. Magnus then observes, "isn't that Will's favorite band?".
Smallville, the television series, aired April 22, 2011
"YYZ" sighting: during the episode "Booster" (season 10, episode 18), an equipment case is stenciled with "YYZ".
This Must Be the Place, the movie, May 20, 2011
In this Sean Penn film which premiered at the 2011 Cannes Film Festival, 8:40 into the film Sean Penn's character loses a game of handball by the score of 21-12.
Annihilators vol. 1 no. 2, by Marvel Comics, June 2011
This second story of this comic stars the space traveling adventurers Rocket Raccoon and Groot, in "There Is Unrest In The Forest, There Is Trouble With The Trees".
Ready Player One, the novel by Ernest Cline, August 16, 2011
This novel includes Rush references sprinkled throughout. James Halliday's room includes a Rush poster on the wall, and the Red Star is used as a clue to the location of the crystal key: a planet in Sector Twenty-one named Syrinx, which has twin moons, By-Tor and Snow Dog, and the city Megadon, wherein transpires a major scene based on "2112". The video game Tempest is also featured in the novel, as it appears in the "Subdivisions" music video, "One of Halliday's favorites."
"Rush had been Halliday's favorite band, from his teens onward. He'd once revealed in an interview that he'd coded every single one of his videogames (including the OASIS) while listening exclusively to Rush albums. He often referred to Rush's three members - Neil Peart, Alex Lifeson, and Geddy Lee - as 'the Holy Trinity' or 'the Gods of the North.' In my grail diary, I had every single Rush song, album, bootleg, and music video ever made. I had high-res scans of all their liner notes and album artwork. Every frame of Rush concert footage in existence. Every radio and television interview the band had ever done. Unabridged biographies on each band member, along with copies of their side projects and solo work."
Kankered, the movie, September 2011
An independent Canadian production filmed in Calgary, Alberta, two Rush posters can be seen in the film's trailer, and "Fancy Dancer" live from '74 can be heard in the trailer's soundtrack. For more information, visit the film's FaceBook page.
Here Comes Trouble: Stories from My Life, the autobiography by Michael Moore, September 13, 2011
This book opens with a quote from "Subdivisions".
Lucky Space, the FaceBook game, September ~27, 2011
As noted during the opening of this game, the game takes place in the year 2112.
Hunky Dory, the movie, October 25, 2011
Set in 1976, the film includes a teenaged rock trio performing "A Passage To Bangkok" live.
Heartland, the Canadian television series, aired October 30, 2011
During the episode "The Slippery Slope" (season 5, episode 6), after Jack Bartlett's old bandmate dies, Mallory says "drummers always die first", and mentions "John Rutsey of Rush" followed by Keith Moon and John Bonham.
No Regrets, the autobiography by Ace Frehley, November 1, 2011
On page 188-189 of this biography by the KISS guitarist, Ace Frehley tells an early tour story with Rush from 1975:
"I have so many road stories, but one that always comes to mind is the tour we did in the summer of 1975 with Rush opening for us. I always liked Rush (and still do). After a few weeks on tour I started to get to know the guys in the band, and their very funny tour manager, Howie. One thing led to another and before long Peter and I were getting visits from the Rush boys. It usually turned into late evenings filled with beer and grass and whatever else was around. Alex Lifeson, the band's guitarist, used to do this hysterical routine with a large paper laundry bag. He'd draw a ridiculous giant face on the bag with a black marker and put it over his head with a couple of holes poked in it so he could see and breathe. Everyone in the room at this point was either drunk or stoned, but usually a little of both. Anyway, Alex would go into this routine with the bag over his head and while smoking a joint out of his eye he put everyone into total hysterics. He really milked the routine until everyone was gasping for air!"
Citibank 'Airport' Commercial, November 2011
2112 sighting: During this commercial for Citibank's iPad app, an airport's "departures" list shows flight "2112" leaving for Toronto. At first glance, this might seem coincidental, until you notice flight "5150" leaving for Los Angeles (home to Van Halen). There may be other music references included on the screen as well!
Something to Cry About, the novel by Kinnon McArthur, December 6, 2011
Based on the author's life, on page 286 the main character says "My favorite band, Rush, is from Canada. I first heard them at a college party in 1979 and they still perform today. They have provided the soundtrack to my life and their 2002 album, Vapor Trails, helped me get through my divorce."
Goon, January 6, (UK), February 24 (Canada), 2012
"Working Man" is heard in this film about a bouncer whose fighting skills land him a place on a minor league hockey team.
Alcatraz, the television series, aired January 30, 2012
2112 sighting: during the episode "Cal Sweeney" (season 1, episode 4), prisoner #2112 is captured.
Switched At Birth, the television series, aired February 28, 2012
Late in the episode "Write A Lonely Soldier", Daphne (who is deaf) tells Wilke that she wants to communicate with him in sign language. Wilke responds "Alright, what's the sign for Wilke's the greatest bass player since Geddy Lee?" The episode is online at ABC Family's website.
"Rock & Brews" Restaurant, Los Angeles, opened April 3, 2012
KISS' Gene Simmons is part owner of the "Rock & Brews" restaurant franchise, which claims to offer an atmosphere that is "like being back stage at a rock concert". The first restaurant opened April 3rd in Los Angeles; the event served to benefit the Rock 4 Vets program, and was featured on the Gene Simmons Family Jewels episode "KISS A Vet". As seen in this screen capture, there is a HUGE Rush starman logo filling an entire wall of the restaurant! LA Rush fans, do us a favor and drop by Rock & Brews and send us some additional pics of this wall! In addition, check out the "Rock & Brews" menu, which includes "Red Barchetta Bruchetta".
Men In Black 3, the movie, May 25, 2012
2112 sighting: 37 minutes into the film, the analog hallway clock reads twelve minutes after nine, or 21:12 in military time.
High School, the movie, June 1, 2012
Starring Adrien Brody and Colin Hanks, the teaser trailer uses the opening keyboards from 2112 as its background music.
That's My Boy, the movie, June 15, 2012
"Limelight" is heard during the opening credits of this film by Adam Sandler. In addition, Sandler's car, a beat up Pontiac Fiero, has a large Starman emblazoned on the hood, as seen in the film's trailer.
In the Tall Grass, the novella by Stephen King and Joe Hill, June-August 2012
Published in two parts in the June/July and August issues of Esquire, co-written by Stephen King and Joe Hill [see previous entry above]. Two college kids, brother and sister Cal and Becky, are traveling cross country when they encounter something strange in the tall grass on the side of a Kansas highway; includes this Rush reference:
"Folk music wasn't an area of expertise for Cal; he was more of a Rush fan. They had been surfing on Permanent Waves all the way across the country."
Ted, the movie, June 29, 2012
At 8:47 into the during the opening credits, there is a 2112 poster on Mark Walberg's bedroom wall.
Expendables 2, the movie, August 17, 2012
2112 sighting: A team of mercenaries conduct their missions in an old Canadair CL-215 floatplane. In real life this plane served as a waterbomber for the Province of Ontario, and for the film, the airplane's call letters are "XP 2112".
2112, the snowboarding movie, September 2012
The 21st in a series of snowboarding films by Standard Films, this their 2012 edition is appropriately named 2112. Standard Films is a snowboard film company that has produced a snowboarding film every year since 1991. 2012's film will be their 21st so they have titled it appropriately 2112. They even use a red star in the logo, and a red star is found on the cover.
2012 Volkswagen Passat Television Commercial, September 20, 2012
This television commercial, announcing that the Passat is the 2012 Motortrend car of the year, features the driver air drumming (complete with a stick flip) to "Fly By Night".
"Sometimes the right idea gets sent to you and it's funny, and you go, 'yeah, funny's good, we'll go with that'! I think we just react to humor." - Geddy Lee on the Volkswagen Fly By Night commercial, WSJ.com, October 26, 2012
Revival, the comic book, issue #4, September 24, 2012
In this ongoing Image Comics creator-owned series by Tim Seeley and Mike Norton, the crematorium technician of the Heinlien Funeral Home is wearing an original-logo Rush shirt under his lab coat.
Person of Interest, the television series, aired October 4, 2012
2112 sighting: During the episode "Bad Code" (season 2, episode 2), 2112 is part of a tab code which Finch enters into a telephone handset.
Transporter: The Series, premiered October 11, 2012
The theme song is a cover of "Working Man", arranged by Jamie Forsyth and performed by Danielle Armstrong.
Up All Night, the television series, aired November 15, 2012
During the episode "Thanksgiving", the Brinkley's flight is canceled and after rushing to the store to buy last minute Thanksgiving dinner supplies, they come home to find Scott and his friends have invaded their house and are doing keg stands while "Tom Sawyer" is blaring out of the stereo.
The Chew, the television cooking talk show, aired November 16, 2012
During the Thanksgiving episode "Sensational Sides", Michael Symon wore a Fly By Night t-shirt, seen peeking above his hoodie. The episode is online at NBC.com.
American Dad, the animated television series
Far Cry 3, the video game, December 4, 2012
2112 sighting: in this videogame from software publisher Ubisoft, one of the game's "Letters Of The Lost" includes an easter egg for Ubisoft's other videogame franchise, Assassins Creed, which has the added plus of also including a 2112 sighting as it mentions a passcode 122112.
One Way Or Another, the music video by One Direction, February 20, 2013
One Direction's Harry Styles was frequently pictured in early 2013 wearing a Presto tour shirt, including the video of the band's cover of Blondie's "One Way Or Another".
For What It's Worth, the television series, aired March 8, 2013
During episode 3, "Michael Ochs & Paul Mawhinney", the hosts visit photographic archivist Michael Ochs who has one of the world's largest collections of rock and pop culture photographs, including a file drawer dedicated to Rush.
Ellison & Amos, the novel by Charlie Gibbons, March 28, 2013
Inspired by Neil Peart's tragedies, this book is about a rock-and-roll legend who loses everything of meaning and embarks on a motorcycle journey.
"When a rock 'n roll legend loses everything of meaning, Ellison embarks on his motorcycle to find himself, but faces his greatest fear - the fan. Converging on the historic Dawson City, Yukon, Amos coincidentally comes to Ellison's rescue. But not until circumstances separate them does Ellison realize how much he has changed, and sets out to complete Amos' story."
The Lords Of Salem, the movie, April 19, 2013
A film by Rob Zombie, his wife Sheri Moon Zombie, who appears in all of his films, plays a Rush-loving DJ turned coven member. The film's official soundtrack includes "The Spirit of Radio".
Lockup - Cleveland: Extended Stay, the television series, April 27, 2013
This episode of MSNBC's prison documentary series was titled "Rush" (season 16, episode 4), as one of the featured inmates was an old rocker that used to play in a few bands, who was so certain he would soon be released that he bought tickets to see Rush on tour.
Rapture-Palooza, the movie, June 7, 2013
Early in this film, when Mrs. Lewis (Ana Gasteyer) is rejected from heaven, she's wearing #122112.
Regular Show, the animated television series on Cartoon Network
The Sun Is Sick, the comic book, July 2013
Released by Wayne Coyne, frontman for The Flaming Lips, this adult themed comic book is complete with a fake ad page in the front mimicking real comic books. Nested into one of the ads to purchase the LP "Beetles at Shea" is the text "Rush rules!".
Pawn Stars, the reality television series
Vodafone Netherlands' "Workout" television commercial, September 2013
During this television commercial, one of the framed photographs on the wall is of Rush taken at the Ahoy in Rotterdam in 1981.
Knights of Badassdom, the movie, September 24, 2013
This horror-comedy which premiered at the 2013 ICon Festival, is about live action roll players whose final goal is to reach the Temple of Syrinx.
Revolution, the television series, aired September 25, 2013
In the opening scene of the episode "Born in the U.S.A." (season 2, episode 1), an actor sang and performed an acoustic guitar rendition of 'Tom Sawyer'.
Battle Of The Blades, the television series, aired October 20, 2013
In this skating competition where retired NHL hockey players are paired up with figure skaters, Amanda Evora and Scott Thornton performed their routine to Closer to the Heart.
The Carrie Diaries, the television series, aired October 25, 2013
During the season two premiere, "Win Some Lose Some", Carrie comments how her friends are at a bar without her that is "the place for rock and roll". A series of 70s/80s rock bands are shown, including this photo of Rush featuring the double necks!
Flipping Vegas, the reality television series
Mun Ainoot 30 Minsaa (My Only 30 Minutes), the Finish television series, aired December 19, 2013
During the episode "Korjaus" (episode 12, aired December 19, 2013), two characters wear 2112 t-shirts.
Deadpool #22, by Marvel Comics, January 9, 2014
This comic includes a scene where Agent Gorman is on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier trying to guess the password of someone who has posters for Spider-Man and RUSH on his wall. He succeeds after guessing "SPIDEYLOVER2112".
Maul: Lockdown, the novel, January 28, 2014
Author Joe Schreiber states in the acknowledgments to this Star Wars novel "Vigilant readers will also find the influence of Geddy Lee, Neil Peart and Alex Lifeson among these pages, three gentlemen whose music animates much of the action as I initially conceived it in my mind."
Walmart: Creating American Jobs, the television commercial, February 6, 2014
"Working Man" was featured in this commercial for Walmart announcing their pledge to invest $250 billion in U.S. manufacturing jobs over the next 10 years.
Adventure Time, the animated television series, aired March 3, 2014
During the episode "Bad Timing" (Season 5, Episode 49), Princess Bubblegum unveils her new time machine, and explains how it is controlled by a pair of special gloves. The gloves display the time and it reads 21:12.
South Park: The Stick of Truth, the video game, March 4, 2014
After unlocking access to the "O Canada" level, a Rush poster can be seen on the wall of one of the houses.
Zippo Catalog, 2014
The 2014 Zippo catalog includes two official Rush lighters found on page 71 with a retail price of $30.95 each. Unfortunately, according to Zippo's headquarters in Bradford Pennsylvania, the lighters are unavailable as the licensing agreement fell through before going into production but after the catalog had gone to print.
No Rush, the album by Grace Will Fall, April 1, 2014
This album not only has a title that is a pun on Rush, but the album cover is a tribute to Rush's 1974 debut.
"Milwaukee", music video by The Both, April 9, 2014
In the video by this collaboration between Aimee Mann and Ted Leo, they hire a drummer (Ted's uncle, also played by Leo) who has the Rush logo and the star on his jean jacket, and at the 4:32 mark it shows "Ed's" list of top drummers including Neil Peart..
Chipotle's "Recipe For The Perfect Fountain Drink" by Bill Hader, introduced May 15, 2014
Part of Chipotle restaurant's Cultivating Thought author series featuring original essays by various luminaries, Hader's recipe includes "1 drum solo from 'YYZ' (Rush) of Sprite."
Return To Zero, the television movie, May 17, 2014
40 minutes into this film which aired on the Lifetime network, a conversation takes place at a bar between Aaron (Paul Adelstein) and his coworker Dana (Sarah Jones), where he refers to his penis as Geddy Lee:
Dana: "3 beers and you are already sloppy. You're not getting laid tonight." Aaron: "Poor Geddy Lee." Dana: "Who's Geddy Lee?" Aaron: "The lead singer of Rush...He is also head of the rhythm section of my personal humpty-hump band." Dana: "Hmmm... Poor little Geddy Lee." Aaron: "He's not little. He's of average to maybe above average height." Dana: "I'm sure he'll be able to lay some sweet beats down once the band gets back together." Aaron: "Jesus Christ ... he's the bassist."
Playing House, the television series, aired May 20, 2014
During the episode "Drumline" (Season 1, Episode 5), Maggie attends her high school drumline reunion where she reconnects with an old crush that she and her friend Emma refer to as the guy "in the Rush t-shirt", and he is later shown wearing a Fly By Night t-shirt. The girls end up getting arrested and when Rush t-shirt guy picks them up from jail in his van Maggie is now wearing the Rush t-shirt. In the final scene of the episode "Limelight" is heard.
Trailer Park Boys: Live in Fu**in' Dublin, the Netflix original movie, June 1, 2014
After Bubbles, Ricky and Julian recreate and lip synch Rush's classic video for "Closer To The Heart", Bubbles learns he won a Rush internet contest to determine their greatest fan when Alex Lifeson sends a video confirming Bubbles and three friends will be flown to Dublin in Rush's jet to see the band. The movie later includes a partial live performance by Bubbles of "Closer to the Heart" and "Limelight", and during the credits Rush's original video for "Closer to the Heart" plays alongside the Trailer Park Boys lip synch version.
Apple's WWDC 2014 Keynote Presentation, June 2, 2014
During Apple World Wide Developer's Conference keynote presentation, Apple's Craig Federighi introduced new features in Safari by searching for 'Rush', and the band was the first entry listed.
The Bridge, the television series, July 10, 2013 -
Daniel: "Rush? Really?" Gary: "Yeah - I like Rush. So what?" Daniel: "Are you Canadian?" Gary: "No. I'm just a fan." Daniel: "Do you like them when you're sober? I mean that's impressive. I mean 2112 is an okay album but" Gary: "Hemispheres dude?!" Daniel: "Hemispheres is like...ok it's fine...I may be buzzed now but tomorrow I'll be sober and you sir, will still be a Rush fan."
Rush, the television series, aired July 24, 2014
During the episode "Don't Ask Me Why" (season 1, episode 2), Dr. Rush attends an MMA fighter who asks, "So, Rush like the band?" to which he replies "Sure, like the band."
Finding Jesus, the book by Winston Rowantree, October 28, 2014
Finding Jesus is a essentially a collection of "Where's Waldo"-esqe illustrations but with amusing cultural references. One of the illustrations is "A Woman at a Prog Rock Show" which features a Rush show, complete with dozens of Rush references.
Assassins Creed: Rogue, the video game, November 14, 2014
There are 25 primary missions in this game, and 10 of them are named after Rush songs: The Way The Wind Blows, One Little Victory, Freewill, The Colour of Right, Circumstances, Armour and Sword, Scars, Bravado, Caress of Steel, and Cold Fire.
CSI: Las Vegas, the television series, aired November 23, 2014
During the episode "Road To Recovery", season 15, episode 7, two CSI techs discuss an impression of a championship football ring left in wax at a crime scene; the ring includes the final score of 21-12.
Scary Gary, the comic strip by Mark Buford, December 12, 2014
When Scary Gary goes down to his "man cave", the clock reads 9:12 (21:12 in military time), a Rush bumper sticker is seen on his refrigerator, and a poster of Geddy Lee is on the wall.
Togetherness, the television series, aired January 25, 2015
During the episode "Insanity" (season 1, episode 3), near the end of the episode, as Brett and Alex drive home from the party "Tom Sawyer" is playing on the car stereo, and they end up pulling over, discuss the song and air drumming.
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, the television series, aired January 28, 2015
During the episode "Psycho Pete Returns" (season 10, episode 3), near the end of the episode, three people disembark a train car numbered "2112".
Better Call Saul, the television series
Day Zero: The Book Of Patrick, the novel by BJ Hyman, March 25, 2015
Page 14 of this novel references Geddy Lee and "Working Man".
How It's Made, the television series, aired March 30, 2015
During the epidose 3-D printers, the host is wearing a Time Machine tour t-shirt.
Battle Creek, the television series, aired April 5, 2015
During the episode "Cereal Killer" (season 1, episode 6), a policeman talking about having his wedding in the back yard says "...little drip next door bangin' on his drums like he's Neil freakin' Peart."
The Following, the television series, aired April 6, 2015
Here's one for Rush fans who know their producers! During the episode "The Hunt" (season 3, episode 7), the FBI are at the offices of a security company that was used to hack into the FBI computers; the hacker is shown entering the office of his co-worker Peter Collins to frame him.
Chick-Fil-A's "Cow Calendar", month of May, 2015
The photo for May is "Veal Girth", an obvious homage to Neil Peart, a drumming cow wearing a Kofia hat surrounded by an extensive drum set made up of milk cans, wash tubs, trash can lids and, of course, cow bells.
The Goldbergs, the television series
Nike: Short A Guy, the television commercial, July 13, 2015
2112 sighting: during this commercial, a kid is first asked to join a game of pickup basketball, before being asked to join various other sports activities with associated athlete celebrities. When he joins the marathon he is given bib number 2112.
Armada, the novel by Ernest Cline, July 14, 2015
Taken from the story itself, the book includes artwork for a "Raid The Arcade Mix" tape, which features "Vital Signs". In addition, there is a scene where a character listens to "Vital Signs" while playing a video game, and in fact plays to a continuous loop of Moving Pictures, day after day. The same character also has a combination lock with the combo "1138-2112".
"...He was bobbing his head in time to his favorite Terra Forma battle soundtrack song, 'Vital Signs' by Rush. Ray claimed that its unique time signature matched up perfectly with the alien Spider Fighter drones' erratic swarming patterns, making it easier for him to anticipate their movements and rate of attack. He also claimed that each of the other songs on Rush's Moving Pictures album was perfect for battling a different Sobrukai drone. Personally, I'd always assumed this was just an excuse he'd concocted for playing that same album on a continuous loop, day after day."
Pixels, the movie, July 16, 2015
In the scene when Lazlow is telling Brenner his theory about the alien invasion, a Rush starman sticker can be seen on the side of the microwave oven.
Hitman: Agent 47, the movie, August 21, 2015
2112 sighting: early in the film, the access code Dr. Delriego gives Agent 47 is 211257.
Reality Check, the comic strip, August 24, 2015
The August 24, 2015 comic features Neil Peart, and the caption "Dave danced to the beat of his own drummer. Luckily for him, it was Neil Peart from Rush...".
Apple's 3D Touch Demo, September 9, 2015
During Apple's 3D Touch Demo, Craig Federighi demonstrated new 3D Touch features of the iPhone music app at the 2:40 mark, and said "Maybe I want to listen to a song by my favorite band" as he hovered over the app and Signals' "The Analog Kid" was shown.
Rick and Morty, the animated television series, aired September 27, 2015
Part of Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, which has included many Rush references in the past, this was a difficult to catch "2112" sighting. About nine minutes into the episode "Look Who's Purging Now" (season 2, episode 9), Morty contacts his granddaughter back on earth to send help, he sends gives her a 13-digit code to unlock a device which includes the sequence two-one-one-two. The episode is available here.
Foo Fighters, concert poster, September 29, 2015
The Foo Fighters performed "Tom Sawyer" each night during their 2015 tour, and for their concert in Oklahoma City, they created a concert poster featuring Dave Grohl striking a 2112 Starman pose with the Foo Fighters' logo.
"Show Some Shame", the music video by Caustic Casanova, published October 19, 2015
From their album Breaks, this video is a near complete recreation of Rush's "Time Stand Still" video, including the same spins, guitarist faces, camera girl, industrial pillar, etc. The video begins and ends with a Rush Chronicles style placard, and the tribute "We thank Geddy, Alex and Neil for over 40 years of timeless music. Freeze this moment a little bit longer."
Guitar Hero Live, the video game, October 20, 2015
Dr. Ken, the television series, aired October 30, 2015
During "Halloween-Aversary" (season 1, episode 5), after being dosed with a pain-killer lollipop, Pat (Dave Foley) is listening to headphones, and yells to people in the office "Do you like RUSH?! This drum solo is sick!" You can view the episode here.
Chicago Fire, the television series, aired November 18, 2015
During the episode "2112", season 4, episode 6, "A neighborhood fire leads to Mouch (Christian Stolte) being offered tickets to a Rush concert; the family 51 helped save was that of a roadie from the band. This leads to Mouch, Casey (Jesse Spencer), Otis (Yuri Sardarov) and Herrmann (David Eigenberg) meeting the band backstage (cameos by lead singer Geddy Lee and guitarist Alex Lifeson)." You can view the episode here.
"The co-creators of 'Chicago Fire' light up like a five-alarm fire when talking about Tuesday's episode featuring the legendary rock band Rush. 'We've been friends with the Rush guys for years,' Michael Brandt said. 'They're hilarious. Total hams. They did us a favor.' Two-thirds of the Canadian trio - lead singer Geddy Lee and guitarist Alex Lifeson - guest star in Tuesday's installment, titled '2112,' the name of the band's fourth album. The storyline involves Rush performing a concert in Chicago. A few lucky Firehouse 51 fans snag free tickets to the show. 'We've been thinking about [having them on] for four years, so the fact that they finished their last tour and said that they would do it is awesome,' co-creator Derek Haas told me during an interview Monday at NBC press day in Chicago...The initial plan for the episode focused more on race cars than rock stars. 'We originally were approached by NASCAR to do a crossover episode,' showrunner Matt Olmstead said. 'We explored it. As oftentimes happens ... logistics got the best of everybody. So we had to pull that storyline. Instead of getting tickets to a NASCAR event, why not have the firefighters get freebies to a concert, Olmstead suggested. 'Derek's like, "Rush! It's gotta be Rush!"' Olmstead said. 'Thus began the whole process of clearing rights to music. Those guys [Haas and Brandt] wrote the Rush substitute storyline in about five minutes. That came from deep, deep, deep. Lifelong dream realized for those two guys.'" - TVTrippin.com, November 12, 2015
"The Chanukah Song (Part 4)", by Adam Sandler, debuted November 18, 2015
Adam Sandler first performed version 4 of his "Chanukah Song" live in concert in San Diego, which includes Geddy Lee among notable Jewish celebrities. You can watch the performance here.
Jessica Jones, the Marvel Netflix series, aired November 20, 2015
During "AKA It's Called Whiskey" (season 1 episode 3), the numbers for an address that are spoken aloud are "2112".
The Expanse, the SyFy television series
American Pickers, the television series, aired January 20, 2016
At the beginning of the episode "What's Inside The Vault" (season 14, episode 13), Frank mentions incredible '3 man bands' including Rush.
Mike & Molly, the television series, aired May 2, 2016
11 minutes into the episode "The Wreck of the Vincent Moranto" (season 6, episode 8), after Vince sells his boat after promising to take Mike fishing, Mike feels let down, and goes to his mom's house to his childhood bedroom and vents his frustration by air drumming to "Tom Sawyer".
The Fireman, the novel by Joe Hill, May 17, 2016
Not the first time Joe Hill has referenced Rush [see previous entries for Locke And Key and In the Tall Grass above]... The character known as the Marlboro Man obviously has no taste in music when he says "I know Arlo Granger, and the guy is a fuckin' liar. He told me once that he got backstage at a Rush concert and snorted coke with Neil Peart. I wish the guys in Rush snorted coke. Maybe it would amp 'em up and they'd try playing some real rock and roll for once, instead of that limp-dick prog-rock bullshit."
Chelsea, the Netflix series, aired May 25, 2016
During the episode "Barbara Boxer & Souls To The Polls", host Chelsea Handler wears a Moving Pictures t-shirt.
X-Men: Apocalypse, the movie, May 27, 2016
As seen in the official trailer (at the 1:50 mark) and a film-related UK Sky Fibre commercial, the character Quicksilver is a Rush fan. Not only does he wear a Moving Pictures t-shirt during the film, he also has a Signals tour poster in his bedroom, and "I Luv Rush" is written on his leg cast.
Veep, the HBO television series, May 29, 2016
During the episode "C**tgate" (season 5, episode 6), Jonah Ryan, who is running for US Congress, walks into his office and receives some bad news: "Sir, as your director of communications, I need to tell you that we just got a letter from the band Rush. They said that we can't use the song 'Working Man' anymore because they find you odious." You can view the scene here.
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the video game, June 28, 2016
2112 sighting: this game has an unlockable stormtrooper designated FN-2112, which wears only his helmet and Rush colored boxers (i.e. red and black), possibly a PG rated nod to the naked starman. Check him out in this video at the 40 second mark.
Ray Donovan, the television series, aired July 17, 2016
During the episode "Federal Boobie Inspector" (season 4, episode 4), Ray and another character discuss Canadian rock bands and include Rush.
The Infiltrator, the movie, July 13, 2016
"Tom Sawyer" is played during the opening credits scene, and also is lead track on the film's soundtrack.
Forza Horizon 3, video game, September 27, 2016
One of the cars featured in this racing game is the 1948 Ferrari 166MM Barchetta, the car that inspired Rush's "Red Barchetta". The game confirms "Ferrari's Barchetta ('small boat') has been the subject of a famous classic rock song" and "will make practically any historic Ferrari fan long for, as the song goes, a better vanished time."
Ash vs Evil Dead, the television series, aired October 23, 2016
During the episode "D.U.I." (season 2, episode 4), snippets of the McKenzie Brother's "Take Off" featuring Geddy Lee were heard.
Office Christmas Party, the movie, December 9, 2016
The credits include an outtake where T.J. Miller's character talks about his college major being Canadian Music with a strong emphasis on RUSH.
Hawaii Five-0, the television series, December 9, 2016
Toward the end of the episode (season 7, episode 10, "The Burden"), Detective Danny William's sister is staying in hotel room #R2112.
The Great Indoors, the television series, aired May 8, 2017
During the episode "The Company Retreat" (season 1, episode 22), Mason (Shaun Browns) enters the retreat cabin with his six suitcases, and Roland (Stephen Fry) says "Do you always travel with the entire drum kit for Rush?"
Great News, the television series, aired May 16, 2017
During the episode "The Red Door" (season 1, episode 7), Chuck (John Michael Higgins) has a Madame Tussaud's wax statue of himself in his attic, which Carol (Andrea Martin) hides on the roof of the building. Chuck's co-workers think he's about to throw himself off the building, and shower him with praise to stop him from jumping. Carol says "listen to that, all those people care about you." Chuck replies "I feel like Tom Sawyer". Carol nods and replies knowingly "Like you're at your own funeral." Chuck exclaims "No, like I'm an amazing song by Rush!" Click for video.
Mages of Mystralia, the video game, May 17, 2017
This action-adventure video game includes a village guard named "Templesa Geddy". Developed and published by Borealys Games, the game is set in the land of Mystralia and follows Zia, a mage who had recently discovered her powers.
Goon: Last of the Enforcers, March 17 (Canada), 2017
During the final game Liev Schreiber chirps to his fighting opponent, “Do you like Kim Mitchell? That's what I thought. I bet you don't like RUSH either...." as he begins to fight his opponent.
Heartland, the Canadian television series, aired March 19, 2017
During season 10 episode 17, "Dreamer", Ty's admitted to hospital room number 2112 (the placard appears as "2 112").
Riverdale, the television series, aired January 17, 2018
During the episode "Chapter Twenty-Three: The Blackboard Jungle" (season 2, episode 10), when confronted with being transferred to a new high school, Jughead quotes "Subdivisions" when he says "So our choices are conform or be cast out."
I Tonya, the movie, January 19, 2018
When Tonya (Margot Robbie) and her husband are in the hotel they enter room number 2112.
Kevin Can Wait, the television series, aired January 29, 2018
During the episode "Fight or Flight" (season 2, episode 15), Kevin (Kevin James) and Vanessa (Leah Remini) take flight 2112 from New York to Orlando.
LA to Vegas, the television series, aired March 20, 2018
During the episode "Overbooked" (season 1, episode 9), Artem (Peter Stormare) finds himself on the flight seated next to a chatty Canadian (Ian Abramson) who explains he has trouble hearing as he "blew an eardrum out at a Rush show a few years back".
Ready Player One, the movie, March 30, 2018
The first teaser trailer of the Steven Spielberg directed film features "Tom Sawyer", but sadly it is not heard in the final film. Other than a 2112 poster appearing in Halliday's childhood bedroom, a copy of the album lying on the floor, and Aech (Lena Waithe) wearing a "2112" t-shirt late in the film, all other references included in the source novel by Ernest Cline have been removed, including a major scene based on "2112" (see separate entry above).
Blockers, the movie, April 6, 2018
2112 sighting: on prom night Leslie Mann's daughter stays in room #2112.
Billions, the television series
Summer of 84, the movie, August 10, 2018
About 30 minutes in, when the neighbor Nikki follows Davey into his bedroom and there is a Rush 2112 poster on the wall.
I Think We're Alone Now, the movie, September 21, 2018
Rush's "Finding My Way" and "Working Man" are heard during the film.
The Terror of Hallow's Eve, the movie, December 14, 2018
A fifteen-year-old unwittingly unleashes the Terror of Halloween on his high school bullies, one of which wears a gray 2112 t-shirt.
Wayne, the Amazon series, January 16, 2019
During the episode "Find Something Black to Wear" (season 1, episode 4), "Working Man" is heard at the 26 minute mark.
City On A Hill, the television series, aired June 7, 2019
The series premiere of this Showtime series includes Jackie Rohr, played by Kevin Bacon, singing along to "Tom Sawyer" playing on his car radio.
Spinster, the movie, August 7, 2019
A 39 year old woman suddenly finds herself single and back in the dating scene; the trailer includes a brief scene where she replies to her date "I guess I never really listened to Rush".
Disappearance at Clifton Hill, the movie, September 15, 2019
About halfway through the movie, two characters are looking at photographs on the wall, and the male character points at one and says "My favorite is right here. Rush. They performed for my 18th birthday."
Puppy Dog Pals, the Disney series, February 21, 2020
During the episode "Maple Cheer Up" (season 3, episode 8) which aired just weeks following the passing of Neil Peart, the puppies visit Canada to get some maple syrup. Just after the 19-minute mark, there's 2112-esque poster on the wall of the sugar shack with a puppy replacing the starman, a heart replacing the star, and the words "N.P. 2020" in place of "Rush 2112".
Julie and the Phantoms, the Netflix series, aired September 10, 2020
As seen in the trailer, one of the phantoms wears a Rush t-shirt.
Ready Player Two, the novel by Ernest Cline, November 24, 2020
Wade Watts (aka Parzival) lives at "2112 Monsalvat Boulevard" (Monsalvat was the mythical castle of the Knights of the Roundtable searching for the Holy Grail in Richard Wagner's opera, Parzival).
Destination Ontario's "Share Your Love For Local" television commercial, December 16, 2020
This commercial features a cover of "Closer To The Heart".
Battlebots, the television series, aired April 15, 2021
Faruq Tauheed's intro for Malice for this episode's main event against Sub-Zero was "The hardest drummer since Neil Peart, he'll smash and bash you until you're hurt, Modern Day Warrior mean mean stride, if I were you I'd go run and hide, ready to rock like he's sold out the Palace, give it up for Malice!" (For the record, Malice lost.)
Lost In Space, the Netflix series, aired December 1, 2021
During "Final Transmission" (season 3, episode 6), Will Robinson is driving a vehicle and pulls up "Don's Driving Playlist" on the sound system and plays "Tom Sawyer".
Space Force, the Netflix series, aired February 18, 2022
During the episode "The Hack" (season 2, episode 7), orbiting satellites are named after rock bands, including one named "Rush 2112".
Studio 666, the movie, February 25, 2022
In this comedy/horror film by the Foo Fighters, Dave Grohl pushes the band to create their perfect masterpiece song and it goes over 20 minutes, then 30, and eventually over 40 minutes. Grohl tells the band that the length of the song was what would make it great, "like 2112 plus 2112."
Stranger Things, the Netflix series, aired May 27, 2022
During the season 4 premiere, "Hellfire Club", near the 11-minute mark Jonathan Byers (Charlie Heaton) is dispersing pot smoke in his bedroom using Rush's debut album cover (the back of which is more recognizable).
God's Favorite Idiot, the Netflix series
The Terminal List, the Amazon series, aired July 1, 2022
2112 sighting: during the season one finale, "Reclamation", a reporter asks the Secretary of Defense what time she joined a meeting to observe an operation. The Secretary of Defense responds, “The clock said we were roughly 22 minutes in (to the operation)", and the reporter replies, "21:12 actually."
The Boys, the Amazon series, aired July 8, 2022
During the season 3 finale, "The Instant White-Hot Wild", Hughie (Jack Quaid) wears a Hold Your Fire t-shirt.
Bullet Train, the movie, August 5, 2022
Late in the film (around the 1:34 mark), Brad Pitt's character says "When we are so quick to anger, we are slow to understand," nearly quoting "Witch Hunt".
Kaleidoscope, the Netflix series, aired January 1, 2023
During the premiere episode "Black" (season 1, episode 1), a character is seen wearing a Rush debut album t-shirt.
Unstable, the Netflix series, aired March 30, 2023
During the episode "The Ballad of Eduardo" (season 1, episode 6), "Tom Sawyer" is heard starting at 6:52.
Adaptation, the documentary, May 2023
"Tom Sawyer" is heard during a downhill adaptive mountain bike run in this feature documentary which follows a group of wheelchair athletes as they converge in British Columbia, Canada for the BC Summer Race Series. The film was written and directed by singer-songwriter Ian Thomas' son, Jake Thomas, who was in an accident in 2017 that that fractured his spine leaving him a paraplegic. Also featured in the film is Ray Danniels' son Samson, also a parapalegic athlete.
The Five-Star Weekend, the novel, by Elin Hilderbrand, June 13, 2023
From Chapter 18, when Caroline climbs into Jack's van:
Son Of A Critch, the CBC series, aired July 24, 2023
Early in the pilot episode, "Tom Sawyer" is heard as Mark (Benjamin Evan Ainsworth) enters the school, and at 13:30 a Power Windows poster is seen on Mike's room wall.
The Anarchists, the HBO documentary series, aired August 14, 2023
During the episode "Leaving" (season 1, episode 6), around the 45 minute mark Rush is referenced and a few seconds of "Time Stand Still" is heard.
Fargo, the series, aired November 21, 2023
The episode "Trials and Tribulations" (season 5, episode 2) opens with "Working Man". See it here
The Iron Claw, the movie, December 22, 2023
"Tom Sawyer" is played during an extended montage sequence in this film about the Von Erich brothers, professional wrestlers in the early 1980s. In addition, an All The World's A Stage poster is featured on Michael Von Erich's bedroom wall. Kerry Von Erich used "Tom Sawyer" as his entrance music from 1981 to 1983. The song is also heard during the trailer.
Catchpenny, the novel, by Charlie Huston, April 9, 2024
Catchpenny visits the house of four people who continuously play Dungeons & Dragons while listening to worn out cassette tapes, when one of them asks another "Do you even remember what 2112 sounds like when it's not warped?"